Chapter 4: Mindscape?

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Hi! I decided to add something interesting to each of my chapters.
So: the picture in this chapter is the reader and Bill. Since I don't know how you all look like, I made the girl black and white.

P.S. I drew the picture!

Enjoy reading, vote, comment, etc.


~~Your P.O.V.~~

Me, Mabel, Dipper and Waddles are sitting around the table in the kitchen, having breakfast. Mabel made pink pancakes for all of us. Not gonna lie, her pink pancakes tastes amazing!

I haven't told them about Bill yet and I don't think I will. I mean, maybe I can get Bill out of my mind by myself? It can't be that hard, can it? Though, Dipper was pretty suspicious, but I don't think he knows anything.

"Who wants to try out the new edition to Mabel Juice?" Mabel squealed and put a blender full of purple liquid in the middle of the table.

"Are...are those plastic dinosaurs?" I said, inspecting the juice. "And glitter?"

"Don't drink it unless you wanna choke on one of those plastic dinosaurs." Dipper whispered to me and got up. "Sorry, Mabel, I promised (Y/n) to go monster hunting today. Wanna tag along?"

"Do I?!" She happily exclaimed.

"Alright! Let's go pack the things we'll need." Dipper grabbed Mabel's hand and started heading up the stairs.

"In the mean time, I'll go back to my house and pack." I called after them.

"Okay! Meet us by the lake?" Mabel called back, stopping in her tracks.

"Uh..the lake?"

"Never mind. We'll pick you up at your house!" I heard Dipper call from the attic. Mabel gave me a smile and a little wave before disappearing up the staircase.

Smiling to myself I turned around and headed for the exit. I waved good bye to Wendy and made my way out.

Yet again, the day was amazing. It was warm, not a single breeze. The birds were chirping loudly, creating a sweet melody.

"Nothing could ruin this day for me." I stretched slightly and smiled.

I continued down the dirt path when suddenly the wind picked up, throwing my (h/c) locks in my face. The wind got stronger by the second. I had to cover my eyes to not let dirt get in them. Old leaves got caught in my hair as I leaned against a tree trunk for support. It got hard to see as well.

Once I opened my eyes, everything was black and white.

"Oh no.." I whispered.

"Hi, (Y/n)! Did ya miss me?" Bill appeared by my side. "Admit it, you missed me~!"

"As if.." I mumbled, picking out the leaves from my hair.

"Aww, are you sad? Don't worry! I'll cheer you up!" He snapped his fingers and I lost the ground beneath my feet. Literally!

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