‘I started this week and, ow!’ I pull away from the nurse and she asks, ‘Do you need some more pain relief?’

I nod, not wanting to touch my head as another needle presses into my head to numb the area before she continues.

‘Are there any ways to help me remember?’

‘None scientifically proven to work and usually memory comes back from people, places, smells and experiences. How are you adapting though?’

I shrug. ‘Well enough for someone with no memory.’

‘All done,’ the nurse asserts, placing her pliers down and coming around to look at me. ‘There’s a little bleeding, but they will scab over and disappear within a couple of days. Your wound looks in a really good condition and is healing perfectly.’

‘Will my hair grow back there?’ I ask, letting my blonde hair fall over the scar.

‘Some bits will grow back, but due to the scarring, it will be patchy there. You’ve got such thick hair no one would notice the difference anyway.’

I smile at her, before picking up my prescription for some pain relief to help before Daisy and I head back to my house for the afternoon. I’m glad I have Daisy to hang around with. With each passing day, I understand the importance of friends and I know I’m lucky to have Daisy.

‘Can we stop by the chemist to pick up my prescription?’ I ask her. ‘Do you know where my local one is?’

She nods. ‘Yep, it’s my local one too.’

She pulls up in a spare parking bay and comes inside the chemist with me. We wait in line until we get to the front of the queue. She offers me a smile and asks me for my prescription.

‘Imogen Howard?’ She questions.

I look up from looking at Daisy and nod.

‘You have another prescription that’s been waiting for you to collect. I’ll get that for you too.’

I stand there waiting and she hands me over two paper packages. We leave the shop and when I’m back in Daisy’s car, I pull the other package out and my cheeks burn seeing what they are. Contraception. I look over at Daisy and she doesn’t say anything, clearly waiting for me to.

‘Do you think I should start taking them again?’ I ask her quietly, fingering the little pills from the back of the packet.

‘Depends if you think you’re going to start sleeping with Ozzy again. Or you could just take them to reduce the pain of periods because damn I’d be immobile if I didn’t.’

I chuckle lightly at her saying that and sigh. ‘Maybe after I’ve finished the pain relief, I will.’

‘Are you planning on sleeping with him again?’ She questions and I shake my head frantically.

‘Oh no, we’ve still not kissed yet.’

‘Still?’ The shock in Daisy’s voice sounds as if I told her I was dying. It’s that shocking apparently.

‘Still, but it’s okay. I like how it’s going slow.’

‘Oh but Imo, going too slow will put you in the friend zone though,’ she cautions, and I query her. Unsure what this colloquial meaning is. ‘You know, when you go past being lovers and simply friends,’ she says slowly.

‘It’s not been that long. Five weeks isn’t a long time at all.’

She ponders this before conceding. ‘Maybe not. I guess it’s different for everyone, but I just worry you’ll end up feeling more friendly feelings for Ozzy than ones of lust and love. What is it going to take for you to both kiss? You know Ozzy won’t be the one to make the first move, he’ll want you to be in control.’

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