"Yeah, there must be something here," I decided calmly. Now that I had been there for a while, I wasn't that afraid. I was more in my element than anything. We continued on and Mark shivered.

"What was that about?" I asked.

"I just got a cold chill," he answered.

"Yeah, I think the temperature dropped a little bit."

"So, what, does that mean there's a ghost here or something?"

"It means there's most likely something here besides us, yes. Something's making it colder and changing the EMF." I detected a little fear in Mark's eyes, as if he was starting to believe in ghosts after all.

"Okay, so what now?" Just then, we heard a sound, as if someone had bumped into something. Of course, it hadn't been Mark or myself making the noise.

"Hello? Is someone here trying to communicate?" I asked. There was silence after that. "We're not here to hurt you, okay? My name is Allison, and this is my friend Mark over here." I attempted to talk to the ghost and make it known that we didn't want any trouble. There was more silence.

"Maybe it doesn't want to talk to us..." Mark guessed.

"Maybe you're right," I agreed. "Listen, we don't want to bother you, alright? We understand if you don't feel comfortable with us being here." We still weren't getting any responses.

"Should we go?" Mark wondered.

"Yeah, I guess we should. I don't want to cause any trouble." Mark and I began to head out when we heard the thumping sounds again. This time it sounded more like footsteps, and they seemed to be coming towards us.

"Allison..." Mark muttered. I felt his hand on me. I looked over to him. He was close, but he wasn't touching me, and I still felt something.

"I feel you touching my shoulder. Have we upset you? Do you want us to leave?" I called out.

"Ouch!" Mark said. I looked at his arm and saw a deep scratch appear on it. I felt fingernails digging into my shoulder right after that.

"We need to go, Mark. Now!" He seemed almost paralyzed in fear, so I grabbed his wrist and pulled him along through the house. I heard things falling over and crashing behind us as we sprinted. We got to a door and it slammed shut in front of us.

"Shit!" Mark yelled in fright and frustration.

"Come on, there's another way!" I reminded him, still pulling him along. Whoever this ghost was, they apparently didn't want us there, and we had to get out fast. We had to dodge a few random objects as they were thrown across rooms towards us, but we managed to get to an exit. As soon as we got to the car, Mark started it up and sped down the driveway and out onto the road. He kept speeding until we were a decent distance from the house. I looked over at him and noticed how tense he still was.

"Do you believe in the paranormal now?" I questioned him.

"I don't know."

"Oh really? Because it sure seemed like you were pretty freaked out when things started happening back there," I grinned.

"Oh, shut up! Yes, I was a little concerned when stuff started happening. I'm pretty sure you were scared when we were getting chased through the damn place."

"I was, you're right. I can admit that I got scared!"

"Whatever. All I know is that because ghosts obviously are real, I am NEVER going ghost hunting with you again!" Mark decided.

"I figured as much. Thanks for coming with me this time, though. I appreciate it."

"Yeah, no problem, I'm just going to have nightmares for a week and be scarred for life, but it's okay," he said sassily.

"I'm so sorry that you're going to be scarred for life!" I answered sarcastically.

"Sure you are. You owe me now, ya know!" he assured me, finally cracking a smile. With as many horror games he played, I was sure that deep down he enjoyed getting a little scared every once in a while. I sure enjoyed watching his reactions.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this spoopy one shot! I'm going to try to post a couple more before Halloween. The Halloween inspired ones are going to be prioritized over any others until October is over. Don't worry, though, once November hits I'll go back to posting regular ones, and that includes more of Professor Fischbach, for those of you who like that plot line. Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this one shot. You know the drill - I'd appreciate if you voted for it to let me know that you liked it and I always enjoy reading your comments and responding to them. Thanks for reading, guys :)

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