Ultrasound Reconnection

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It's been 2 months since Hosoek left.

Currently 5 months pregnant, with a very heavy active baby.

Ive been spending most of my days in jungkook's bed, crying. Why would he leave me when I have his child growing inside me. Everyone tries to make me feel better but I still have that empty feeling at the end of the day.

I don't want my baby to grow up without a father..

Pushing jungkook's covers off of me, I called for him to come in the room.

"What do you need, Nuna?"

I looked down at my growing stomach, quite big already but still so much more to grow. I felt heavy and exhausted with everything I did.

"Kookie, will you help me out of bed.."

He slowly chuckled to himself as he gently lifted me up off the bed and onto my feet, gently smiling at me.

"Thank you, kookie."

We both walked out of the room, down into the kitchen for our morning breakfast. It smelt amazing, Jin must be cooking some bacon.

Both of us making our way into the room, I instantly spotted the bacon on the counter and walked towards it.

"Adalyn, don't eat too much. You might get sick."

Of course. Jin was being his normal motherly protective self. He's always looking out for my health. He barely even let's me shower by myself. Always standing outside the door making sure I don't slip or fall. But, I can't blame him, he's doing this for me so I'm not alone through this.

Grabbing the pieces of bacon and setting them on my plate, I took a seat next to V who was already stuffing his face full. He quickly stopped and looked at my stomach, smiling widely.

"You're getting so huge!"

Jungkook slightly knocked him in the head as he took his seat at the table.

"Be nice to Nuna!"

I gently rubbed my stomach and looked at V, returning his smile.

"Don't worry, I know I'm getting huge."

We all giggled with each other until Jin sat down at the table with a rather serious look on his face.

"Adalyn, do you remember what today is?"

Racking my brain for the memory of the date today is, I was completely blank. Ever since Hosoek left, I've been mentally messed up. I'm still trying to cope with all the hormones and things that happened.

"No, what is today?"

He looked slightly hopeful as he smiled gently at me.

"Today we have an appointment to figure out what gender your baby is."

A smile quickly grew across my face as I looked down at my stomach. Finally.


I returned my look to Jin, looking slightly uncomfortable with what he was about to say.

"I think we should invite Hosoek along with us.."

Sadness swept across my face. I don't want him to be there. But then again, I want him to be there for our baby. I felt like crying from the memories of the last time I seen him, when he left.

"Okay.. You can invite him if you want to, I don't want to speak to him."

I finished the last piece of bacon before getting up to go and get ready for my ultrasound.

When No One Else Can See Your Pain (BTS Jhope Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें