Seeking The Truth

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A couple of days went by since I had woken up in the hospital. They kept me there under cautionary reason. My wounds healed up just a tiny bit these past couple of days. I was finally able to take the big bandage off of my chest. When I first looked at it in the mirror, I almost puked. The "L" was half a dollars size, directly underneath my collar bone. It was starting to scab over, dried blood on the edges of it. I ran my finger over it, the tips dipping into the indents of the wound, being much deeper than I thought. The bruising from the impact was a light shade of purple, visible on the edges of the "L".

The stitches on my eyebrow were almost ready to be able to come out as well and the swelling on my right eye has went down tremendously.

I slowly got used to my new short hair look, there wasn't much I could do about it besides accepting it. I looked in the mirror at myself one last time before shutting off the light and sitting back onto my hospital bed, looking down at the floor.

I'm grateful to be alive.

I heard a light tap on the door and I knew exactly who it was, lifting up my spirits.

"Come in!"

Hoseok opened up the door, peeking his head in through the crack. He held up a box of chocolates and smiled widely, before stepping in and sitting at the edge of my bed.

"These are from the boys, they wanted you to have something sweet."

I generously took the chocolates out of his hand and smiled brightly.

Hoseok had been coming to my hospital room everyday during all of the visiting hours since I woke up. He has been at my side whenever he was able to. I was so grateful to have him in my life.

"Ah, I almost forgot to tell you. You're allowed to come home today!"

I lunged on top of him, happy that I was able to go to the house that makes me feel at home. I missed all of the boys so much, I can't wait to see all of their cheerful faces every day again. I need this in my life right now.

He chuckled and softly pulled me off of him, kissing my forehead sweetly and grabbing my face in his hands so that he can look at me.

"Now, go get ready."


Hoseok stopped the car in the driveway, beside the reminiscing sight of the studio house. I quickly jumped out of the car and ran to the front door, swinging it open and gently screaming.

"I'm home!"

Not even two seconds later I was ambushed by 6 beautiful boys lightly tackling me and hugging me.
I heard different sentences come out of their mouths, their words blending in with each other. I couldn't understand them all at once but I knew what they were saying regardless if I could understand them. They missed me, that much was obvious.

Hoseok walked inside going around the big pile up I had caused, with a suitcase of my clothes in his hands. He made eye contact with me and smiled before mouthing a "I'll put these in your room".

I was more than happy to be home...


Everything settled down and turned back to normal. It was almost as if I never left.

I was sitting in the kitchen, watching Jin in his pink apron cooking dinner. I lost focus of him and my mind started to wonder. For some reason, my mind wandered to the memories of the basement. I thought long and hard on what Linnex had said when I asked him why he was doing this. His words played over and over again in my head, "Because you fucked my life up, Adalyn! Do you know what I went through! Did you know they sent me to rehab because of your stupid ass! They restrained me, they brainwashed me, they put me through things no high schooler should ever go through!", what did they do to him..

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