Epilogue (Alison's POV)

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I was lying in bed lost in deep thoughts. My return to my Realm had not been what I expected at all. I had come back hoping to meet my parents and seeking comfort from them after everything that had happened. I had expected the Realm to be filled with celebrations because of the return of the Heir. But reality had other plans for me.

My Father was dead. He had passed away long ago. His advisors had not wanted him to come and rescue me from the Devil and his grief and regret over that decision had aged him overnight. He had lost his will to rule and even live anymore. Soon after that he had passed away. My Mother had left the palace to go and live with her relatives unable to cope with the pain of losing both of us by herself. Left with no ruler, the Realm started crumbling. The land was filled with chaos and poverty. The trouble didn't stop there. Without my Father's guidance, the other Rulers also became greedy and started squabbling with one another. Civil wars and petty Rulers had now destroyed all the Realms into a shell of their former selves.

My return had given the people hope. Everyone in my Realm looked up to me to set things right now. And I will do that. I will make my Father proud and restore all the Realms to their glory. But before any of that I had to take care of something else.

The funeral for my dead children. Their Souls were begging to be released and today was the day.

I got out of bed, showered and dressed in a black gown. I had ordered the servants to leave me alone today. I wanted to do everything by myself today. I walked to the Hall where I had preserved the bodies. All the people of the palace were already gathered there. Using magic, I lifted the bodies and led them outside the palace grounds with everyone following behind. More and more people joined our procession as we walked through the streets. I started humming our mourning song and was soon joined by a hundred other voices. The tune was a soulful lament which gave me goosebumps. I let the tears fall down my face freely as I mourned the death of my children. My brave Emily who had sacrificed herself to save Kelly and me. How I wished Kelly and the others were present here to honour Emily. But a few days ago, they had conducted a small funeral for her down on Earth. It had been a beautiful ceremony which had left me in tears. I jolted out of my reverie as we reached our destination.

It was a beautiful waterfall which reflected the sunlight and sparkled brilliantly. We brought every person in our Realm who died to this place and submerged their bodies here. The water took the bodies and freed their Souls which wandered happily in our Realm. Halting the procession, I stepped forward.

"People of my Realm! We have gathered here today to pay respects to my dear children. Yes, they have done many wrongs in their lives but we cannot blame them for the actions of someone else. So today we shall absolve them of their sins and honour their sacrifices. Sacrifices they made so that I could return to my rightful place as Heir and do my duty to my people. That, in my opinion, deserves the highest respect. Join me as we free their Souls so that they can have an eternity of peace."

The people responded by starting the mourning song again and joining hands with one another. I continued singing as I lifted the bodies and submerged them in the waterfall. Immediately the bodies disappeared but soon balls of bright light started shooting out of the water. Each ball transformed into the person to whom it had belonged. Laughing happily, the Souls waved at us and ran away disappearing into thin air. Last of all, Emily's soul emerged. She stepped forward reaching out her hand towards me. I knew I couldn't grasp it in my own so I stayed where I was.

"I love you Mom. Just know that if you need any help you can call my Soul anytime you want. I won't be too far. I promise." She whispered in my ear. Smiling beatifically, she blew me a kiss and disappeared.

I couldn't stop the smile on my face either. Knowing that my children were happy, I turned back to my people and led them back to my palace where my throne awaited me. I had a lot of work to do starting with my own Realm. But I wouldn't let the other Realms rot either. I would make things right everywhere and do whatever it takes to achieve that. Even if it meant becoming the first Queen of all the Realms.


I woke up with a start thinking about the dream I had just had. Alison had conducted a funeral for Emily and the others. I was pretty sure that it was an actual memory and not just a dream. It was so beautiful and I had seen Emily's soul too. She had looked happier than I had ever seen her alive. Knowing that gave me so much peace. I had also seen that Alison was unhappy. Her Realm was in tatters and she had a lot of work to do to put it back together. But I was confident that she would accomplish that. I knew there wasn't anything I could do to help her anymore so I decided to concentrate on my own life.

Today Jared and I were leaving for college. Luckily both of us had gotten into the same one and we could stay together. I had already packed everything I had to take last night. Jumping out of bed, I quickly showered and changed and ran downstairs. My parents were waiting at the table. My mom had gone all out and made all my favourite breakfast dishes. Pancakes and muffins with my favourite cereals and milkshake.

"That looks good." I told her as I dug in.

"Oh honey! Promise me you will eat properly." My mom told me worriedly. For days I had been listening to lectures about eating properly and sleeping on time like I was a ten year old kid.

"Relax Mom. I'll be fine. I am not a kid anymore. I am turning nineteen in a week for God's sake!" I said exasperatedly.

"Kelly you know how your Mom worries. Be patient with her for some more time honey." My Dad jumped in before Mom and I started arguing. He had been pretty supportive and confident about me moving out. He was sure I was mature enough to handle things on my own now.

Listening to my Mom's continuous rambling about staging safe and locking doors at night and not trusting strangers, I finished breakfast. I cross checked everything as I waited for Jared to arrive with his car.

Pretty soon he was at my doorstep and loading my luggage in his car. Paula, Peter and Ian had come too to bid us goodbye. Paula was going to join the college Peter was in and Ian was going abroad. Our little group of friends would be split up and no one could guess when all of us would get a chance to be together again. Jared closed the boot of his car and signalled to me that he was done.

It was time for the goodbyes.

I hugged my parents tightly.

"I love you both. I promise I'll call as often as possible and yes Mom I promise I'll eat properly too." I told her. She was crying now and Dad put an arm around her consolingly.

"Take care Kelly. We will drop by to visit you whenever we can. Love you kiddo." My dad said.

Giving them one last hug, I turned to Paula who was in hysterics. Peter just stood there with an arm around her smiling at her melodrama.

"We'll keep in touch Paula. Stop crying and cheer up. And you," I said turning to Peter, "if you don't take good care of her and if you hurt her in any way I swear I'll kill you." I threatened him with mock anger.

"Sure Kelly. I promise to take good care of her. You take care too and of Jared too." Peter smiled as he hugged me.

Ian stepped forward and hugged me too. "Goodbye Kelly. Have fun with Jared. Both of you are perfect for each other. Take care."

It was time to go. Time to leave the place with so many people I love and so many precious memories. I got into the car with Jared and I turned around to wave to my family and friends. Soon we were off and as Jared turned around a corner, they disappeared from sight.

"We'll be fine Kells. We have each other." Jared smiled at me grabbing my hand in his.

"Yes we have each other. I love you." I replied with a smile of my own.

Jared was right. It was time for us to leave behind old memories and make new ones. With a smile on my face and the love of my life by my side, I relaxed into my seat eager for the new journey ahead of me.

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