Chapter 6 ( Jared's POV)

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"Earth to Jared. Please don't tell me you were daydreaming about Kelly again. Man she dumped you. Get over her."
Ian's voice startled me out of my thoughts. He was right though. I was thinking about Kelly because I was worried about her. But if Ian knew what it was that had me worried he would freak out.

"Shut up Ian. Just watch the damn movie."

"Okay okay. Calm down" he said waving his hands about to placate me.

I was about to hit him when my cellphone started ringing. When I saw her name on the screen I was shocked.

"I'll be right back. " I told Ian and rushed out of the room.

"Kelly! Is that you?" I asked in a shocked tone.

"Jared I need your help. There is something about me you should know. I have been turned into a .."

"Soulless I know." I interrupted her. I couldn't put into words how relieved I was that she had called me. I have been trying to talk to her for the past month ever since I figured out what was wrong with her.

"Listen to me Kells. I'll be at your place in 10 minutes. I have a lot to tell you."

"Okay." She replied in that monotonous voice that didn't belong to her and hung up.

"Ian I have to go. Something has come up. I'll see you tomorrow at school." I called out to him and ran outside to my car before he questioned me further.

I drove as fast as I could with a million thoughts running through my head. But the most recurring one was will I be able to save her in time?

I rushed into her house to find her sitting in the living room. Her parents weren't at home thankfully. I wonder if they had noticed the changes in her in the past month. They probably thought it was a teenage phase.

"Kelly! I am so glad you called me. I have been trying to talk to you about this since ages but you never gave me a chance. I have so much to tell you but first you have to tell me what happened. As far as I know you aren't supposed to remember what happened to you. Start from the beginning."

And then she started talking. I was horrified listening to everything that happened to her but she didn't show any reaction at all. And when she told me about Emily Parker things started making sense.

"Okay Kelly now I understand why you have been fainting all over the place. It's because of her. After a person is turned into a Soulless they gradually start losing their humanity. It takes months to years depending upon the person. And after they lose their humanity the Soulless start killing people randomly and if they find a compatible soul they steal it and become a Demon. That is what Emily is now. And in your case since she is living in such close proximity to you the process is accelerated. You are losing your humanity faster. And that is when trouble is going to start." I groaned holding my head in my hands.

"How do you know all of this ?" She asked.

"Well I am a Hunter. I hunt the Soulless and destroy them before they start killing people." I smirked at the irony of it.

The Soul Quest ( #YourStoryIndia #Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now