Chapter 19

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A stunned silence followed my statement.

"Kelly honey what are you talking about? I think Emily hit your head too hard. You need to rest." Jared said sounding concerned about my sanity.

"Ugh! I don't have much time. Call Paula, Peter and Ian too. I'll explain as much as possible." I said hurriedly.

Soon everyone was gathered around me. When I started explaining about Alison's memories they stared at me with agape expressions.

"So you guys can understand what I have to do now, don't you ? There is a loophole in the Devil's spells and I need to use that to save Alison. I am not going to say it out loud just in case. I am sure you guys can figure it out." I said.

"Yes! I know what the loophole is." Emily's eyes widened in understanding. "But Kelly I'll come with you. You shouldn't go up there alone."

"No Emily you have a far more important task here. Peter remember you told me that I am going to be the one who destroys the Soulless?" I said looking at him. He nodded his assent.
"Well, you were wrong. I am not going to destroy them. Emily is the one."

"That's impossible." Jared said spitefully. "She was one of them herself. She would never destroy them."

"You are right. She won't destroy them but she will save them. By giving them their Souls like I did with her. Think about it you guys. She is a part Demon and part human and a former Soulless while I am a part angel and part human and a former Soulless too. She has almost the same powers as me but with much more knowledge about the Soulless. She is the one who will help you." I said in a sure voice. When Argus told Alison that another girl and me were going to put an end to this, I had immediately realized it would be Emily and me. I would save Alison and she would save the Soulless.

"There is one more thing I need to do before that though. Jared give me The Pen." I told him. Jared took it out of his backpack and handed it to me.
"Emily come here. Last time you tried to summon the Devil and transport my Soul you needed someone else's life force. But no one will get hurt this time. Hold out your hand." I told her.

Grasping her right forearm, I took the pen and drew a diamond with a crack down the middle. The rune of the Hunters. Everyone gasped in shock when they saw that. A bright light shot out of the rune and engulfed Emily for a second before it disappeared.

"Kelly what have you done?" Jared whispered in anger.

"She won't need someone else's life force now to do what is needed. The extra strength of the Hunters will help her. It's a great idea, isn't it? And now she is a Hunter too. The first female one and she will make good use of this rune to help you guys." I smiled at Emily.

"This is an abomination. She is a spawn of the Devil. She used to be a Soulless before and now she can't become a Hunter. Only the descendants of our families have that ability. She will never be a Hunter even with the rune." Peter shouted.

"Well, I am special. I can use the pen and draw powerful runes on anyone. And you guys stop calling her that. Haven't I told you that she is going to be the key to our victory? You guys better listen to her." I said in a hard voice. "Now Emily do your thing and send my soul up. It's time for me to go."

"Kelly you don't have to do this." Jared protested. "Please stop this madness. You aren't powerful enough to defeat the Devil and come back. He'll keep your soul in Hell forever." Jared's voice broke.

Paula and Ian had been quiet throughout all of this but now they nodded their agreement with Jared.
"Listen to him Kelly. You can't defeat someone like the Devil on your own." Paula said fear coloring her words.

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