Chapter 3

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I woke up the next morning in my bed with a pounding head. I got out to take a shower and get ready for school. That was when I noticed I was still wearing my jeans. Huh. Since when did I sleep without changing my clothes? Last thing I remembered was Jared leaving in his car. I couldn't recollect walking back to my room. Weird. I shrugged it off. Maybe it was my headache messing with me. I felt different too today. Hollow and empty.

I quickly showered and got ready. I grabbed my bag and walked out to find Jared waiting for me with his car as usual. This was the moment when I used to run and give him a hug every morning but today I couldn't care less. Ignoring his open arms I opened the door and sat in the passenger seat. He quickly got in and gave me a confused and hurt look.

"Hey Kelly what's wrong? Are you okay?" he asked concernedly.
"Yes I am fine. Nothing's wrong." I told him in a flat voice.
"Then why didn't you hug me like you do every morning?" he asked.
"Why should I?" I responded.

A look of disbelief and hurt crossed his face. With a huff he turned away and started the car. We drove to the school without saying a word. It was obvious he was angry with me but for some reason I didn't care. At all.

When we reached the school I quickly got out of the car and walked off to my class leaving an annoyed and hurt Jared behind. He walked me to all my classes everyday but I just wasn't bothered today. I sat at my usual bench in History class and my best friend Paula immediately took the seat beside me. Jared and I had different subjects in the first period so she took advantage of this to sit beside me and gossip about anything and everything.

"Have you seen the new student?" she asked.
"No?" I asked more than I stated. I didn't even know there was a new student.
"Oh well. You'll see her soon enough. She seems to be quite something." Paula said doubtfully.
When I didn't respond Paula turned to give me a curious look.
"What's wrong? Usually by this time you would have bombarded me with millions of questions!"
Before I could respond the teacher walked in and said,
"We have a new student today. Everyone say hi to Emily Parker."
I turned to find myself staring at a slim girl with a mass of red hair standing with an arrogant smirk on her face. The boys were already drooling over her. Suddenly she looked at me. Ice cold blue eyes met mine and I felt shock pass through me. I felt certain I had seen her somewhere. But more importantly her evil gaze had me hyperventilating. My insides felt like ice and the room started spinning around me.
"Kelly are you okay? What's wrong?" Paula's panicked voice registered in my mind. But before I could respond everything went black and I fainted.

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