Chapter 18

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"Alison Lancaster, daughter of the Duke of Lancaster and Heir to the Seat of the North." Matthew called out.

I entered the ballroom flushing pleasurably at the admiring looks from all the men in the room. Immediately I was flooded with dance requests. I spent the next hour dancing happily and soaking all the attention. Exhausted, I stepped off the dance floor and found myself face to face with one very attractive stranger.

"May I?" He asked holding out his hand.

Forgetting my exhaustion, I accepted his request. Putting his arm around me, he led the dance. I was mesmerized by his beautiful black eyes. His black hair felt soft in my hands as I put my arms around his neck.

"Who are you?" I whispered.

"You can call me Darius." He smiled.


I looked around warily before stepping out into the dark hallway. I clutched my coat around me tighter as I ran through the dark castle out into the gardens. For a wild second, I thought he hadn't come and my shoulders slumped dejectedly.

"Alison." He whispered from behind me.

"Darius. You came." I spun around and threw my arms around him.

"Of course I did." He said. "I wouldn't miss this for the world."

Distracted by his kisses, I didn't see the cloth in his hand until it was too late. He pressed it against my nose as I tried to fight him, my eyes filled with accusation and betrayal.

"I am so sorry but I have to do this." He said.


I was lying in a soft luxurious bed. Feeling sleepy, I snuggled into the covers but the memory of Darius kidnapping me flooded my mind. I sat up immediately and looked around. I was in a beautiful room filled with luxuries but my eyes dismissed them as they fell on the dark mahogany door. I ran to it and tried to pry it open but it was locked.

"Darius! Let me out." I screamed hysterically. "My father will find you and he will destroy you. I promise you that."

The door opened and before I could make a run for it, a pair of strong arms captured me.

"Oh no sweetheart, you aren't going anywhere. As for your Father, I would love it for him to try and invade my home." He smirked at me.

"Darius. How could you do this to me ?" I asked feeling hurt and betrayed. "I thought you loved me."

"First of all sweetheart you can call me by my real name now. I am the Devil. And second of all, yes I love you and that is why you are here."

"No! That's not true. This is all a nightmare. I don't believe you. You are Darius not the Devil." I shouted in disbelief. He kept talking as though he hadn't heard me.

"At first it was supposed to be a plan to hurt your Father and destroy him by kidnapping his Heir. I wanted revenge for the treaty the four rulers of the North, South, East and West signed on the day of the ball. They have planned to merge their resources and create a huge army to attack my realm Hell. Those greedy bastards are not happy with what riches they have and now they dared to put their sights on mine. So I decided to get leverage for myself. And what better leverage than kidnapping the daughter of the man who initiated this treaty? That way I could threaten to kill you if I heard even a whisper about the army they were planning to build. Originally, I had planned to capture you and throw you in the darkest dungeons of my realm. But you are too beautiful for that." He whispered as he stroked my hair. "I have decided to keep you as mine and marry you, my love."

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