Chapter 7

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(A/n - From now onwards all chapters are going to be from Jared's POV)

"Are you going to kill me then?" Kelly asked me calmly.

"Kelly! How could you say that ? Ever since I figured out that you Changed I have been trying to find a way to save you." I replied earnestly.

"So what do we do now? Can't you just go kick Emily's ass and get back my soul?" She asked.

"Oh Kells! I wish it was that easy. Let me explain this to you from the beginning. There are people called the Soulless as you know now. There are stories about their origin but we don't know how true they are. The legends say that the devil fell in love with a woman called Alison Lancaster. She was described as a woman of indescribable beauty. But she had no intention of returning the Devil's love. This made him really angry and he captured her and took her soul and banished it to the depths of hell for all eternity. But here is the creepy part. He married her Soulless body and produced Soulless children whom he released into the world. These Soulless roamed the world stealing human souls and thus creating more Soulless and so goes the cycle on and on."

"What does any of that have to do with kicking Emily's ass?" Kelly asked me tonelessly.

"Ugh I am getting to that. Since the Devil captured Alison's soul and kept her a prisoner even though she belonged in heaven they disturbed the balance of good and evil. So in retaliation the good guys up there created a new breed of humans who had special powers. Powers that helped them subdue the Soulless before they created any more of them. The males in my family have passed down these powers for generations. But here is the bad news. I know how to kill a Soulless or a Demon but not how to get back a stolen soul."

"You are of no use to me then." Kelly said turning away.

"No wait Kelly! I can find a way. I swear I will. But I have to do it soon because you only have a month left before you turn evil. And stay as far away from Emily as possible because it will just make you lose your humanity faster."

"Okay I will do that." She replied.

"I have to go now. I will let you know if I find out anything. Bye Kelly." I turned around to give her a hug but she was already walking away. I tried not to let that affect me but it was so hard. God I missed her so much. I missed her laughter specially. It broke my heart to see her everyday but not see the real her. It was awful.

I reached home and was about to go inside when my cellphone started ringing. It was an unknown number.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hello Jared. How have you been?" I heard a very familiar voice greet me.
"I heard there is a new Soulless in your area." Peter said. A chill ran down my spine. How did he find out so soon ? Peter Black was the leader of the Hunters. He hated the Soulless and took them down as soon as possible. He apparently had something personal against them.

"Really? I didn't find any signs." I replied trying to stall him.

"No Jared I am pretty sure about the reports I got. You need to find it and take care of it soon or else I am going to send in others to help." He threatened and hung up.

Wasn't it enough that I had to find a way to save Kelly's soul soon and now had to worry about other Hunters finding her and killing her!

"Oh shit!" I cursed out loud.

The Soul Quest ( #YourStoryIndia #Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now