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_(n)_ blinked eyeing a man from a afar. Madara was standing with a cold gaze as he looked to the distance waiting for Hashirama to arrive.

The woman sigh but looked to her side seeing Hikaku glaring at her husbands direction ' I wonder why they don't really like each other.....' She looked straight glaring seeing the senju approaching.

Hashirama frowned standing in front it his mess of a friend. Madara kept a strict  expression .

"Izuna.....passed away the other day."

" Madara.....I told you many times before....I kept telling you to make peace with me , that way our brothers wouldn't had suffer."

The Uchiha  glared slowly having his eternal Mangekyō activate . Hashirama sigh looking to the woman seeing her confuse expression ' Hashirama....kept telling him what.' _(n)_ looked at Madara in disbelief. Tobirama stared at her intensively ' so she didn't....'

Everyone gasp covering them selfs while a large susano'o was seen forming soon came wooden golem with thousands of hands around it.

_(n)_ kept a glare ' Izuna dying was your fualt.' She quickly placed a kunai in front of her face blocking a sword. Tobirama glared at the woman as he pushed her back slowly. He twitched seeing her appearance. The Uchiha blinked twice while her back smacked on a tree. She blinked having her sharingan activated. Tobirama covered his eyes quickly stepping back having pink cheeks.

Madara glared seeing a forest forming around him. ' Tch.......' He looked straight seeing Hashirama breathing hard as he placed his hands together.

_(n)_ ran quickly holding her side as she healed it . She looked back gasping in fear at Tobiramas speed. The albino kept a straight expression as he eyed the woman . He slowly got two kunai ready. The woman moved out the way seeing him throw one. A gasp left her lips noticing writing. She looked straight meeting two red orbs " I'm sorry...." The young man closed his eyes while she coughed blood. The albino got her quickly while blood dripped down her black shirt. He turned making eye contact with Hashirama.

Madaras eyes slowly widen feeling her chakra leave. ' no no no no no !!!' He looked back trying to find he bet he couldn't see good by the many Uchiha laying dead not he floor " HASHIRAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Madara!!!!!!!" The senju halted yelling as he did one hand sigh.

*enter explosion*

Madara breath hard laying on the floor . He looked to the side seeing Hashirama kneeling down. Soon he moved his eyes to the right of his 'friend' seeing Tobirama throwing a body on the floor " now. We can kill him anija." He got a sword pointing it on his chest. Madara blinked eyeing them but gasp a bit seeing his wife's body soon he moved his eyes further seeing Hikaku with one eye close as he glared having his arms in his back as 5 senju men guard him down.
"Wait Tobirama." " anija." He glared confuse while Hashirama looked at him " no one touches him." " but anija! His clearly enjoying this !! Look at his face." Hashirama looked at his friend as he smiled " what do you say Madara... Wanna make peace ..." " how can I...when I lost.....I couldn't protect Izuna....I couldn't watch _(n)_...and now hikaku would pretty much be gang bang by them."


"Just end my life hommie . I have no bros left." Madara closed his eyes. Hashirama blinked " bro got me bro." Madara looked at him. " bro.........."


Madara placed his hand out smiling while Hashirama happily took it having wide grin on his face . He soon brought the Uchiha in to a tight hug even though he protested with rage as the senju laughed happily along with the two clans as they clapped.

_(n)_ blinked smiling calmly as she watched the two idiots. She twitched bit stumbling but blinked feeling a warm yet hard grip on her. Her eyes move duo meeting red ones. Tobirama blinked seeing the beautiful Uchiha better as he looked straight having red cheeks. _(n)_ smiled calmly looking at her husband again " thank you " "mm...." Hikaku glared demonically at the senju seeing his arm still around his 'wed' sisters shoulder ' senju.'

----------------next day!-----------------

"I'm proud of you..."


"Mm you finally did something good ."

"What does that mean!!??"

Madara glared angrily down at the woman while she giggled smiling at his outburst. The man sigh blushing a bit as he held her closer " your wounds alright ....?" " wasn't that fatal..I just don't need to move a lot." " okay..." He rubbed his head on hers as his back laid against a tree. _(n)_ smiled closing her eyes feeling him beginning to kiss her cheek slowly.

"Sup buddy!!"

"Why are you here !!!!!!!!!"

Madara had the most embarrassing expression ever as he hugged his wife tightly making her twitch. Hashirama smiled happily " I wanted to hang out !" " we did that yesterday." " so....?" " Tch...." He closed his eyes while he heard a females giggle and a famous laugh.



BS BS everywhere! (*≧▽≦)ノシ I just wanted to get this part over with to at least make the happy -ish parts for the Uchiha family to begin!

The Falcon ( Uchiha Madara x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें