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-----------month later----------

Madara sneezed loudly as he rolled on his side trembling ' great........' He opened his watery eyes slowly . He closed them again feeling a hand gently move on his forehead ' his still hot......' _(n)_ blinked worriedly ' his fevers have never been this high...'" Izuna !" She turned to the door not seeing him back yet. " calm down he'll survive." Hikaku blinked calmly looking for mint leaf.
Madara sneezed again soon came the uncontrollable coughing making his throat burn like there was no tomorrow. 'Ugh why does this happen every time I try to have a child.....' He rolled gloomily facing the mattress ' maybe I'm not meant to be a parent...'
_(n)_ and Hikaku sweat dropped at the same time. The woman sigh smiling a bit as he rubbed his back making his once tense shoulders slowly drop calmly.
Izuna walked in calmly holding a tray with a bowl of  sup and a cup of peppermint tea. He stopped seeing the gloomy aura around his brother as he kept  trying to clear his throat ' how did Nisan get so sick.....' He raised an eyebrow confuse as he calmly kneeled
Down sitting on the floor.

"Nisan roll over."


"Madara you have to eat that."


"Do as they say."


The man sniffed a bit staying on the position as before. The three on the room sigh quietly as his childish behavior now.

"Hashirama wants to fight with you."

*enter struggling noises along with confuse moaning *

Madara trembled from the pain he felt around his body " l-let me go......" He coughed a bit sniffing while his cheeks burned dark red. He did a strange zombie like moan feeling strong hands pulling him down from his shoulders.

"Nisan no. You have to rest."

"N-No I have to fight !"

Madara glared having the an extremely cute expression From his blushing cheeks. _(n)_ blinked seeing Izuna forcefully shoving the sup on the protesting males mouth as he cried like if he was being raped. She sweat dropped seeing the sadistic smile on her brother he held the clan leader down ' what's wrong with the picture.......' She did a poker face while Izuna got the tea smirking " ready for a sweet hot liquid for your mouth ~~~". Madara  breath hard coughing a bit while sup dripped down his chin. His back was on hikakus lap as he held him down while his legs where spread open making the slit of the yukata open showing his toned thighs  , Izuna moved his hand having the cup " open up its really big ~ Nisan~~" "get that thing away from my mouth!!!!"  Madara glared weakly as he kept moving his head every time his brother tried making him drink the tea.

"Maybe we should change."

"are you sure ?"

"Mm I can forcefully give it to him, you just hold him down so he won't protest so much."

"Okay! Be careful Nisan is a biter !"


_(n)_ was smiling with a large vein forming on her forehead as she watched them pretty much rape her husband in front of her ' oh yes. They are pretty much having sex in front of me.'
Hikaku blinked being on top of Madara while he twitched glaring /sniffing a bit . Izuna was smiling as he helped his brothers shoulders making him lay down on the floor roughly.

"Drink it."


"I say drink it little boy."

"No it tastes and smells weird !!!!"

"Open your mouth !!!!"

"No-*enter choking noises and water spilling out a bit *

Madara coughed having tears coming his eyes as he breath hard. Hikaku glared sighing as he held the empty cup " your such a handful." "Mm." Izuna smiled . They both smirked  looking to the side enjoying this type of power.

_(n)_ twitched cracking her knuckles  as she smiled seeing how sexual they had her husband.

Sweating. Breathing uncontrollably fast, his yukata opened fully showing his  body. Red cheeks ( from the fever) and the pose. Oh the pose. Open legs one arm on his stomach while the other was limp on the floor.

"Well we'll be back!!!"

"Yeah we have to.....make more medicine...together. Alone."

"In a room."

The two Uchiha calmly Stood up leaving the bedroom . _(n)_ glared confuse as she quickly crawled getting a half dead  Madara " are you okay..?" " I just....got raped.......and your asking that." He glared at her while she sweat dropped " well it wasn't technically..." " I was forced down on the floor while they had their way with me." ".............uhm....." He smirked a bit " or did you enjoy watching that?? Eh~~ dirty woman." "Shut up!!" She glared blushing as she moved her eyes to the side. The man under her chuckled weakly from the sleep trying to get to him.
_(n)_ looked at him again " sleep....it might make you feel better." A smile formed on her lips as she laid him down better. She got the warm covered with one hand while the other nervously fixed his messy yukata , his hips flinched feeling her hand brush around his inner thighs by accident.

"Don't go all crazy now."


"Hehe nothing ..."

He smirked a bit while she glared blushing "Hmp." She puffed her cheeks as she placed the covers on top of his trembling body. Madara blinked looking at her for a long while making the woman feel a bit uncomfortable. His eyes slowly closed. He calmly began to sleep.
_(n)_ blinked twice placing a hand on his cheek ' still hot...' She moved it up to his forehead moving the hair back so his full face could show.
" you really have turned....quite good looking....."


Madara snapped his eyes open ' what happened....' He blinked seeing the lantern on the desk on. " I over slept......'he weakly sat up feeling his body ache ' stupid fever stupid flu stupid Hashirama  .' He glared but stopped noticing an other futon. He turned slowly seeing a woman sleeping there. Oh he wasn't happy at all. He glared at his wife not seeing her next to him .

"If I'm sick. You have to get sick with me."

He smirked slowly rolling as he placed his hand on her cheek stroking it. _(n)_ twitched opening her eyes confuse " Dara..? are you ok-" her eyes snapped opened feeling his lips on hers as he forcefully kissed her.  She looked at the distance ' oh this asshole.'

--------2 Weeks later------

Madara smirked pervertedly  at the woman under him " ehehehe ready for my hot water on your mouth ?" "..........you son of a bitch......" She glared sniffing a bit while her cheeks turned more red seeing what he was getting .

"I though you meant tea..."

"Hehehehe he ah no no no. Teas  afterwards."

(유∀유|||).......DAFUQ is wrong with me ....*cough*

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