A Violinist on the Street?

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I was walking down the street to go shopping for some new clothes, when I heard a... violin?

I went over and heard this violinist playing the song Secrets by OneRepublic, and oh my God was he good! He had a stereo speaker that played and volumnized the sound of his electrical violin. People went by and placed dollar bills in his case like crazy!

The guys was pretty good, so I thought that I'd give him a bit. I felt around in my pockets for any dollar bills and I found a five. I shrugged and put the five dollar bill in the case. I gave him a smile and made my way to the store.

I was looking through the clothes, but I kept on hearing the song he was playing. Who knew that you could put something classical, like a violin, and make seem so awesome! Now that was a new age of hip-hop right there, even though I don't think that Secrets is hip-hop.

I checked out the new clothes I got and went out into the cool air of fall. The guy was counting up his money he got from his performance. I smiled at his happy expression and went to my apartment. Even though I was 16 and living on my own, it felt good to not be in so much stress.

I then got into my room and I got a call from, wouldn't ya know it, Home Boy, or Terrance.

"Yo!" he said, "Did you hear that street performer!?"

"Ha ha very funny," I said, "I was just near the store he was playing at!"

"Okay, now this is just getting freaky."

"Ya think?"

He gave a small chuckle.

"Hey... uh, Coora? You said something about visiting your dad. How was it? If you went yet."

I just remembered that lie I made up.

"I, uh, haven't gone yet," I said, "They said I could visit him at five or six, so yeah."

"Hey, just so you know, everyone here misses you dancing. When you can, please come back to dance. I especially miss you."

"W-wait, what?" I asked, confused about that last note.

"U-uh... I mean, I..... I just miss..... seeing you all energetic and having fun on the dance floor."


"L-l-look, forget I said that last thing. We hope to see you soon again, Coora."

"Same here," I said, "Anyways, gotta go. I need to finish up something."

"O-Okay. See ya Coora."


I shut my phone and flopped onto my bed.

Terrance just said he missed me. Did he mean-?

NO COORA! DON'T THINK THAT STUFF! He's just a friend and someone who's in your dancing class. No one else!

At least, I hope so.....

K.C.T Yes, yes, yes, I know this was short, but I had some MAJOR writer's block. Like, BAD writers block. DON'T BE MAD PLZ!! Anyways, I promise I'll have something else up the ext chapter that's not so short. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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