•Chapter one•

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Hey everyone quick note, probably the first 3-5 chapters will be them being younger and not in WWF yet. Trust me you'll know when they are in WWF but just letting you know. Anyways enjoy!
•The Boys Down The Street•
It was a chilly autumn day in the state of North Carolina. The leaves were turning orange and the weather was getting chilly.

In a small house a little blonde watched some cartoons in her living room.

'F is for friends who do stuff together. U is for you and me.
N is for anywhere and anytime and anytime at all.
Down here in the deep blue sea!'

Trish was her name. She giggled at the cartoon.

"Trish sweetie come here real quick" Trish's mom called from the kitchen.

"Coming mommy" Trish said hopping off the couch and made her way to her kitchen. She sat down at one of the chairs and looked at her mom. "Yes mommy?"

Trish mom sighed and smiled slightly. "Trish sweetie...mommy has to work today"

Trish mouth dropped open.
"But mommy you said we could go to Chucky E Cheeses today" Trish said sadly.

"I know Trish but mommy has to work, the bills are stacking up, there's no food in the fridge, and the power could shut off at any moment this week if I don't pay" Trish mom explained bringing her daughter into her arms hugging her. "You understand right?"

Trish sighed.
"Yes mommy...I do"

Trish mom smiled.
"Good now why don't you get some fresh air and play with Amy and Ashley"

Trish nodded.

"That's my girl" Trish mom said kissing her cheek and letting her go outside.

A few minutes after Trish had went to knock on Amy's door (which Ashley was at her house as well) they walked along the dirt road kicking rocks along the way.

"What happened to you and your moms plan about going to Chucky E Cheeses?" Amy asked.

Trish sighed.
"My mommy had to work again because she doesn't have a lot of money anymore"

"Aww i hope your mommy gets better and makes money" Ashley said.

"Yeah me too" Trish said.

The three of them continued to walk down the dirt road and came across one of their neighbors house.

"Hey look" Amy said pointing at something.

The three of them passed by a house and saw that there was a huge blue trampoline.

"Whoa..." They all said admiring it with their eyes.

Boys POV- (Jeff, Matt, Randy)
"Woooo!" Matt said jumping high into the air.

"This is amazing!" Randy said jumping in circles.

"Hey where's Je-" Matt was cut off when a voice yelled.

"CANNON BALL!!!" Jeff said jumping of the balcony onto the trampoline and doing a flip.

Matt's heart skipped a beat when he saw his younger brother almost die in front of his eyes. Jeff landed perfectly fine and jumped around.

"Aww Jeff my apple juice!" Randy said as his Apple juice spilled all over his sweater.

"Ops sorry" Jeff said.

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