Chapter Two- I can't believe i'm related to a bunch of psychopaths.

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MIri was in her room, sitting on her floor, surrounded by a bunch of old looking books. Mrs. Prewitt agreed to lend them to her saying she had no use for them for the time being. All the books were only about or had information about the Black family. She threw down the previous book she was reading, frustrated, because she could not find any information about her mum or dad. She found information about some of her second cousins who were in Azkaban like Bellatrix Lestrange who used to be a Black before she was married. She had taken some of Mr. Wetherford's newspapers, The Daily Prophet, and found some articles on Sirius Black but they all said the same things about him being dangerous and mad. Not one thing said anything about Violetta and Regulus Black. She knew the Internet would be no use because it only contained muggle information.

She had found some interesting and maybe helpful information, though. It was the address to the Black Manor. The official house of Black. The address: Number 12, Grimmauld Place. She knew that was not far from her house here. It was only an hour by train. She could easily get there, using the money she got from doing chores, so she could find her parents or any information on them. The thing was, she was scared. From what these books said, her family seemed to be obsessed in the Dark Arts and she was scared of what she would find in that house. She decided against it.

No. I will not go. I'm not going to some crack house in search of the people who left me here in the first place. She thought to herself. She got up from the ground, brushed off the dust that were carried in by the books, stepped over the books, and went to her dresser. On her dresser was the note. She scrunched up her face in disgust. If there was one thing she hated, it was being lied to and over a long period of time at that. She just couldn't believe her so-called parents had lied to her this whole time. They told her she was born in a hospital in Wales and that's why they didn't have any birth certificates. She believed them of course because why would they lie? Of course there was a reason why they lied, she thought now, because they didn't really know where she was born. When she asked why her middle name was Canis, they told her it was the Latin word for dog, which was (at the time) her mothers favorite animal. Miri always questioned that because from what she could remember, Mrs. Wetherford has always hated dogs of any sort.


"Mrs. Prewitt?" Miri asked, sitting once again on the same stool in the kitchen surround by, if it was possible, more pots and ingredients than last time.

"Hmm?" Mrs. Prewitt said not looking from her concoction in one of the many cauldrons. 

"Here, this book, it has no name, it says most of the Black family was named after stars, why is that?" she questioned glancing up at Mrs. Prewitt who was sniffing intensely at the bubbling green goop.

"An old family tradition i presume. Now," she got a big spoon and started stirring the goop, "why the sudden interest in the Black family?" Miri's mouth went slightly dry. After finding out all of these things about her actual family, she didn't know if she wanted to tell people, quite yet. Miri shrugged, keeping her eyes at the book. 

"Its because . . . i remember Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban and i was just curious, is all." Miri fibbed quickly. Mrs. Prewitt nodded and didn't ask anymore questions.

"Do you . . . do you think they are still living in their old house?" Miri questioned, trying to be nonchalant. Mrs. Prewitt opened a drawer and took out a few vials full of herbs and set them next to her cauldron.

"Oh i doubt it. Most of them are in Azkaban or in hiding." she said while waving her hands from the pot towards her so she could smell the aroma of the potion. Miri nodded glumly. She put a bookmark in place of the page and closed the old book.

"I should be going. My er mum would want me home." Miri said a bit uncomfortably. She hadn't been talking to her adoptive parents much except when she had to leave to come here or to town. Mrs. Prewitt nodded and waved her off.

The Noble House Of Blackजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें