Chapter Nine

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(This part never happened in the show I just felt the need to write this)

"We have news of an equalist event approaching to date. We are sending in a group of non benders and were wondering if you would like to be apart of this." Tarlok spoke. A smirk on his lips.
"Are you insane?!" Tenzin shrieked.
"I'll do it. I want to help still and having a non bender on your task force will appeal to the people." You pointed out. Tenzin couldn't argue with that.
"Great you will have a bender as your protection and 'date' for the evening." Tarlok smiled.
"What about a dress. This is a formal event I don't have anything fancy." You asked wringing your hands.
"I asked Korra to buy you a dress with quite a bit of money I gave her." Tarlok answered.
"Who do you plan to have as her protector?" Tenzin asked.
"A man you are familiar and comfortable around. We got Mako from the fire ferrets to help out." Tarlok spoke. Your eyes went wide. Korra better have picked out the best dress ever. You went home to find Korra holding up a beautiful black gown, poofy skirt black lace sleeveless. It was stunning. You covered your mouth.
"Korra. It's beautiful." You gasped approaching it slowly.
"I thought it would suit you." Korra smiled proudly. You nodded almost crying. A few hours later you were in the dress Pema putting a red mat lipstick on your lips smoothing mascara and eyeliner over your lids. Asami came over to do your hair on a French twist style. You looked in the mirror amazed by your looks. Korra handed you a purse with one of the equalist electric hands in it for good reasoning.
"So, who's your date?" Korra asked.
"Oh, you'll see." You teased. You were nervous about how Asami was here to see her boyfriend as your date and Korra to see the guys she loves with you too. The door rang and Korra answered seeing Mako in a suit, his scarf tucked neatly into the collar of his dress shirt. You walked pit not even noticing Bolin next to him, jaw dropped. "Ready?" You asked blushing slightly. Mako coughed.
"Uhm. Yeah. Tarlok arranged a carriage for us." Mako said, he looked cute enough in his suit and tie get up but for him to be flustered and in a suit, was just to cute be legal.
"Okay you said gripping your black purse and leaving Bolin with Korra and Asami to chill out.
Mako's p.o.v.
She looked so beautiful. I didn't expect her to be that stunning when I opened the door to the temple. (YN) always walked with grace but in this dress she seemed smooth fluent ready to spin away at a moment's notice. The Ball lucky for us was a masquerade. She pulled a raven black mask decorated with black pears and a few stark white shimmers here and there over her head strapping it over her face. The only things visible were the end of her slightly rounded off nose, vibrant (EC) orbs, and her lips painted slightly red. On our way in (YN) showed the guard her device which Tarlok provided from his evidence collection his task force had for him, and we were in. The inside of the rusty warehouse was opposite of the outside. High ceilings with chandeliers. Marble flooring chefs and waters dishing pit food every busking moment. The orchestra and choir combo played a soft waltz. I sighed knowing it would be a long night, then I extended my hand towards her.
Back to You.
You stared at Mako's hand almost confused. You took it not a second later. Not caring if he was not asking you. You let him lead you out to the dance floor. You two dance close to each other you pressed against him as he held you to him. You could barely move your feet you were so lost in his eyes. The two of you danced the night away nothing uneventful happening until towards the end when a hand that wasn't Mako's asked you to dance. You accepted for one dance until you bowed and went to go back to Mako the hand of the man would not let go. You turned looking at the wolf mask covering whoever this was face. You freaked out when they held a small fire in their hand against your back. You shrieked in alarm. Mako snapped his gaze to you seeing your panic. Smoke filled the air and in your panic you never realized you were glowing with a blue flame keeping everyone away from you. You had your bending stolen. How could it be happen

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