Chapter 17

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Your p.o.v. I altered the ending a bit so this part only half follows the show.
You were given new clothes and a bath before you would be put on stage. You knew Korra would save you, she would figure him out just like you did. Tarlok let it slip once that he had a brother, by connecting the dots you realized Amon was Tarlok's brother. And a blood bender. You were silent in chains, head down as the equalists put you in double chains to the wooden poles that the rest of the air benders were also tied down to. When the floor beneath you began to lift towards that oh so familiar stage. You hummed your favorite tune Korra taught you after her visit with Fire Lord Zuko.
"Leaves from the vine. Falling so slow. Like fragile tiny shells drifting in the snow. Little soldier boy, comes marching home. Brave soldier boy. Comes marching home." You sang softly staring directly into the wall that would soon reveal the crowd that going insane.
"Today I rid the world of air bending, forever." Amon announced. Your eyes never left the two equalists up in the balcony.
"Liar! Amon, you are a bender, a BLOOD bender!" Korra shouted. You felt hope spark inside you. You could imagine Amon removing his mask to reveal the face paint you knew he wore. He had made you paint it onto his skin that's how you knew.
"Oh I wouldn't leave just yet Avatar. You'll miss the main event." Amon laughed. You were now staring into that blinding light. On the stage your head down, (HC) strands curtaining around your face. The fabric that covered your mouth shifted against your lips as you shook your hair from your face. You let out a breath of flames disintegrating the fabric before using your fire to break the chains around your wrist. You didn't move yet. When a strike of lightning hit the stage you were already melting the kid's restraints. Tenzin was already free and fighting. You watched Amon go flying off stage before directing the kids off stage sprinting after them ignoring Korra and Mako's concerns. You slid into a room shoving Mako into one spot and Korra into another under a table. You yourself climbed onto a pile of large boxes. You narrowed your eyes at Amon as he coolly entered. Walking right past Korra. You released a breath too soon because on a second Korra was in the air her arms twisted behind her. Mako leapt into action tying a few blows in before he was in the same position as Korra. You jumped down landing elegantly.
"Amon." You cooed. Your voice like steel. "Noatok. Whatever your name is now. Let them go." You said. You laughed when he put you in the air like Korra and Mako.
"No." Amon growled. Forcing you and Mako into the ground as he took Korra's bending. "I told you I would destroy you." Amon sneered. You were on your feet in a moment your fist connecting with Amon's face. You straddled Amon ripping his mask away holding a flame of blue I. Your fist and brought in close to Amon's face.
"Now at least part of your story is true." You hissed. Amon screamed as you scarred his face. You kicked him away avoiding Mako's wide eyes as you sprinted leading the way since Mako held Korra. You were stopped on the way being slammed against the walls hard. Every bit of breath gone from your lungs. You sat on your knees back arched a smirk on your lips as Amon approached angrily. His thumb was inches from your forehead when he was knocked away by a gust of air. You watched as Amon tried to fight again Korra and fail.
Amon's reign was over at last.
You stood up watching Mako wrap an arm around Korra and felt your heart shatter.
"I should have known better." You whispered.

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