Chapter Eleven

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You sat on the rooftop for hours. Waiting for them to find you as you waited thinking. You made an experimental blue flame in your palm making it vanish the second you did it. It freaked you out that you were still a bender. It made you feel vulnerable and like you were 6 again back with your parents.
"You are a freak!" My Father shrieked, you hoped he would be proud of your discovering of your ability to bend two elements.
"Your my Dad. You aren't supposed to be a meanie!" You shouted. A hand came down on your face.
"I am your father so you would respect me at all times. I gave you everything even though we never wanted you!" He hissed. Tears streamed down your cheeks but you kept your head high. "Leave my sight!" So you vanished for a week, when you returned you were given three scars down your back.
You saw Naga race down the street and stop at the arena.
"(YN)!" You barely heard her shout. You weren't going to jump or anything. You had something to live for.
"Hi Korra!" You shouted back at her watching her fly up to the roof the same way you did. When she sat down you punched her in the arm. "You were going to force me to stay with the boys and Asami." You whispered.
"We thought it would help." Korra shrugged.
"Of course you did. You just want what's best for everyone, whether they like it or not." You said quietly. Korra wrapped an arm around you.
"It's one of my flaws." She shrugged again.
"Korra. What's wrong?" You asked.
"Asami's Dad is an equalist." Korra whispered. You flinched.
"You sure?" You asked quietly.
"Positive." Korra said.
"I believe you." You said in a hushed tone. Korra gripped your hand tightly. "Let's go."
When you and Korra arrived at the Sato mansion that night Mako Bolin and Asami stood around pissed off.
"What's going on." Asami screeched in outrage at you and Korra. You ignored her walking briskly out to the warehouse. When you walked in Team Avatar at your heels. You watched Bei Fong bend a piece of metal back and beckoned her men down the staircase. Asami looked horrified.
"You guys need to stay here." She said but she beckoned Korra. You sat on the ground your dress proofing around onto the ground beneath you.
"I don't believe it." Asami whispered in horror.
"I'm sorry Sami." You whispered in her ear. She gripped you tighter.
"Go down there. Mako Bolin and I will be down in a bit." She whispered. You turned to the guard and made your case.
"The Avatar is my sister. I'm having a panic attack without her. I'm going down." And with that you were gone. You were met with a platinum wall but found a way through. You watched the group fight it was amazing. Until the equalists got the upper hand. That's when you stepped in. You leapt into the battle bending blue flames like extensions of your arms delicate on your feet like an air bender but solid as an earth bender and ever changing like a water bender. The equalists had a hard time keeping up with your movements. To bend like this again after so long was like breathing for the first time in days. You were beautiful your black gown flowing with your movements. It was never of the machines that took you down though wrapping you in the electric cords and shocking you. At first you tried to not scream but the cords kept pouring electricity into you and your scream ripped through the air. You screamed and cried for what felt like forever but you were thrown against a wall your head snapping against that platinum. Everything went black.

When you woke up you were in Mako's arms at the temple. He was asleep and the radio was playing. You watched his face go from vulnerable to alert in a matter of seconds. You felt your heart melt at little but ignored the feeling. His amber eyes met your (EC) ones. You moved away from him quickly standing and stumbling a little. Neva came racing to you leaping into your arms knocking you over as you laughed hugging her as she licked your face. The rest of the house must've heard my awakening and came running. You were helped up by Korra who hugged you.
This is home. My parents weren't people who loved me so that wasn't home. Korra is home. Meelo is home. Ikki is home. Jinora is home. Pema and Tenzin are home. Asami is home. Bolin is home. Mako is home. This is my family. They say home is where the heart is and your family is your heart. Home is where the family is.

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