"Yeah sure! We can go to my room, ok?"

"DON'T 'OK'ME! But yeah that would be nice."

We walk towards my little room, and settle ourselves on my bed.

"I think I really like Zayn." She looks at me with worry in her eyes.

"Aaahw I think you guys are very cute together." I see more worry flashing trough her eyes. "Maura why are you so worried?"

"How do you know I'm worried?"

"I see it in your eyes! You're an open book you know."

"It's just that.... You know.... He's freaking Zayn Malik from One Direction! I'm not that kind of girl! You know... It's that kind of stuff that happens in those fan fictions... I'm Maura... I'm not the girl that falls for a international superstar who stole the hearts of millions of girls... I'm just a normal girl..." She bites her lip.

"First of all, Mau, you are everything but normal! And yeah it's different then having a normal boyfriend but the feeling isn't different! It's still two people who like each other!"

"Aah I guess you're right!" She sighs.

"Hey girls, we are going to Nando's  wanna come too?" Adam poppes his head in the room.

"YAY! FOOOOD!" Maura and I scream at the same time.

We are so weird!

"Alright, let's go weirdo's." Adam chuckles.


"Can we have a table for 9 persons?" Stuart asks a waitress who walks past us.

"Yes of course, I'll walk you to your table." She smiles.

When we're all settled she takes our orders and walks towards the kitchen.

Everyone starts their own conversations . Niall and I are having a conversation about food!

"I seriously don't understand  how  people can be vegetarian? How can you not eat meat!?" Niall says.

"I agree! That means you can't eat almost everything here!"

"Aaaah no Nando's that's impossible! I LOVE Nando's!"

"Yeah, me too! I think I'd die!"


Adam's POV

Why is Harry constantly looking at Rose... It's so damn irritating. And Rose is telling us that he hates her! Sure! I shouldn't have asked him to bring Rose to the tour bus, now is looking at my girl!

Harry's POV

Rose and Niall are talking and laughing like they've known each other for years. It's so annoying! Still I'm looking at them, I just can't stop!

Don't ask me why because I really don't know.

"Harry? Mate? Are you even listening?" Ed waves his hand in front of my face.

"Uuhm... Yeah of course I was listening!"

"No you weren't! You were looking at Rose. Do you like  her Harry?"

Woah, why not straight to the point!

"Me liking Rose!? Noooo! How can  you even think that!?"

Only the thought makes already sick.

"Well.. You are looking at her.. A lot!"

"But that doesn't mean I like her!"


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