Ashton: He's your teacher

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You stepped into your English classroom, wearing your brand new sweater you bought from Hollister and you forgot the fact that your shoelace was untied. You bent down, and tied them together, but you raised your head, you saw someone hand lended out to you. "Thank you." you muttered as you took the strong hand. It was Mr. Irwin. "Take your seat, Y/N, love." You shyly made a grin and took your seat. Mr. Irwin cleared his throat as everyone else took their seats. "Today we will be doing....---" as he said writing his very words on the board, " Grammar Rules, in sentences! Please partner up with whoever you choose and at the last few minutes of class, will we present your 5 brilliant sentences!" You paired up with your closest friend, Y/bestfriend/N , as you two scooted your desks together. You two worked for the majority of 10 minutes, until the nuttwadd, Chuck Hokkard, booted in you and Y/bestfriend/N, "Eh, Y/N, The names is Chuck, remember that because it'll stay in your contacts forever." He said proudly. You giggled a bit, and Y/bestfriend/N said, "More like Chuck-ee, the creepass doll." You two snickered a bit, and quieted down a bit. "I don’t like my current girlfriend. Mind if I do a you-substitution?" He muttered in your ear. "Mr. Hokkard, This is not math, genius." Mr. Irwin  slightly yelled across the room. Unfortunantly, Chuck didn't keep his pie hole shut. ""Why does it feel like the most beautiful girl in the world is in this room?" Chuck said, breathing into your ear again. You've had enough with him, and so did Mr. Irwin. Mr. Irwin stomped towards Chuck and pulled him outside for a moment. As soon as Chuck 'swagged' out of the cubicle, Mr. Irwin raised his voice, loud enough for the whole class to here inside. "LEAVE HER ALONE OR I WILL---" "Will what, huh? Send me to prison?!?! HA! Not what I've got on you." "What have you got on me, Chuck?" "I know that you fancy, Y/N, over there." Chuck answered. It was only the two of you, you and your best friend, who heard those words. The whole class was in clueless wonder and talked extremely loud. "The class ended, and everyone was excused , even Chuck, except you. You waited for Mr. Irwin to come back in class, and you couldn't wait any longer. He shut the door and right at that moment. you plastered his lips onto yours. You pulled away, and he smiled like an idiot. "Thank you, Mr. Irwin." "Your Welcome, Y/N." You stepped forward to the door, but a hand caught you in surprise. "You think we're done with the kiss?" He questioned, as you two dove back for the kiss, leaving you two in endless happiness.

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