Michael: Fans hate you

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Excuse me if I use one of the One Direction names , I get the imagines from my main blog, I just want these imagines to be read, but in 5sos in it. I promise I'll be more careful next time! ;))

So, it has been over a month since you and Michael started dating. Ever since then, you guys finally made it public official. Days came by and you found yourself in the worst place to be in.

 One day, you came home with groceries and logged on twitter. You searched your name with 7 million results with tweets hash tagged with your name. But they weren’t very nice tweets about you.

 They were all hating on you. Even one tweet made fun of you because you looked similar to an elephant. They were saying how fat you were, and how you don’t even deserve to be with Michael at all. One tweet, especially, hurt you the most:

 “ Why do you pick Y/n, Michael?!!?! She’s nothing but a slut and a worthless coward. Ugh! She’s annoying and every time I hear her name it just kills me.”

 It has been retweeted 26,850 times and favorite 18,500 times.

(lets just pretend lol)

 They all loathed you.

In that second, you fled through your hallway, entering your bathroom. Michael isn’t home yet, which leaves you enough time to—- No, you can’t do it, you think to yourself.

 But I have to, you think again.

 You bought silver razor blades for your razor. But you immediately thought of something else.

You got them, now in your hands, and began tearing up your tender skin. Doing it made you remember all those crazy mad things you did back then and you would always do the same thing to yourself all these years, without Michael knowing.

Blood forms on top of the severe cuts leaving them just oozing from your hands and into bathroom floor. One more, just one More. But you couldn’t because that moment you thought, you heard your front door creak open. Michael.

Instantly, you knew you have to hide your cuts. You washed them with warm water and put on one of Micheal's sweat shirts that he never uses anymore. It was perfect because it covers it.

“Hey, babe!” you said joining him in the kitchen.

“Hello, love!” he kissed you.

You yawned. “I’m tired, going to sleep on the couch, k?

He nodded.

As soon as you got to the couch, you dropped asleep and pretended nothing happened.


Michael shook up and kisses your neck, which made you open your eyes. He looked worried in his eyes.

“Y/n, love.” He pulled away and touched your face.

“Yes, Michael?”

“I need you to explain this.” He took your soar hand and leaded you to the bathroom. You were a bit drowsy and he finally turned on the bathroom switch. And there shown a pool of liquid blood and 3 razor blades on the floor.

As soon as you saw this, your mouth and eyes widened in shock.

“I came to use the loo and saw this. I freaked out and woke you up. And when I did, you felt a little hot like you were sweating, so and I took off my sweatshirt you were wearing and there on your arms, appeared cuts. Please tell me what’s going on.”

You told him every single detail that happened today. You didn't think he would understand, but he did.

After you finished, he broke out and said,” Why didn't you tell me? I could have helped! You know what; I’ll do something to stop this.”

“No, Michael---“

“Yes, Y/n. But please stop hurting yourself. I don’t want all this to ruin your life. I love you, but I’ll stop all this, okay?”


“Good. You can go back to sleep, love.” As he gestured you to the bedroom.

---Next day----

Harry is next to you, cuddling with you and typing a tweet on his phone.

“Babe, what are you doing?”

“You’ll see.” He said in a smirk.

The tweet says:

“Please stop hating on my lovely girlfriend, Y/n. She’s everything to me and I hate seeing her getting hurt when fans dislike her for dating me. Please, just stop. Michael:)xx”

“Michael?” you questioned.


“I love you so much.”

“I love you more.” As he smooched your lips.

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