Calum: He's your teacher

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You felt a breezy wind coming from the doorway, in the restaurant you were in, and a tall viciously hot handsome looking man coming towards a seat a few spaces away from you, and took his place. You watched his brown puppy eyes trail down the drinking coaster and then to a familiar looking book, The Fault in Our Stars. “I've read that before!” you hollered. His body turned and he shimmered proud happiness. “Really? My lads told me all about it and how suspenseful it is!” He said, you noticed his British accent and instantly became more intrigued. “What’s your name, you beautiful lassie?” “Y/N. Thank you by the way. Yours?” “Calum.” You two talked a whole hour and when you were politely interrupted and excused your to go to the loo, he asked if he could join awkwardly. At the end of the day, you found yourselves having a heated make out session and a quick exchange of your numbers after you two left. You were a senior in high school, for the first day of school, and it was finally 9th period. You were so glad it was almost the end of the day, and you slowly entered taking you seat while the teacher hasn't come into the room yet. Mr. Hood, it read on the board. You written down the agenda and as soon everyone has gotten in you catch a glimpse of your teachers face. It was Calum. He finally called out attendance and right when he said you name, you gave a faint ‘here’ and he looked up and his eyes widened. “Holy shit.” He muttered under his breath. Everyone stared and turned around looking at you. In class, he made up a silly excuse that something fell in his pants and the Dismal bell rang, quickly. You waited for everyone to leave and it you couldn't even know what to say. “Calum—“ “Y/N, I thought you were older. Much older.” “I’m sorry just let me explain—“  “Y/N, love, I don’t know what to do anymore.” You dropped your stuff and grabbed his face towards your and kissed him passionately. “Please, let’s at least make this try?” And you got what you wanted.

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