Luke: He saves you

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Today was a usual school day morning. You came out of the house, with your big obnoxious big brother ,Calum. Being his little sister can be annoying, but in the inside he loves you to death and  can do anything to protect you from anyone who gets in the way. Like a big brother should always be doing, duh.  You and Calum walked over to Ashton's house ,which was already next door.

Michael let you two in , since he was here earlier before us, you ran up to Luke  , who was at the kitchen with Luke. “Hey , Babe.” You said, kissing him on the cheek.

4 months of dating eachother, has been a pretty long time for you. It literally is the longest relationship ever, and the first. You two weren't the 'it' couple , but still got know around for once in a while. You can't really describe Luke , with just one word of course. But he is all you ever wanted.  Yet, he was like Calum, but not the brother- sister kinda vibe. He's protective , but in such a loving cute way.

“Hello, love.” He turned around and picked you up to set you on the kitchen counter He smirked and brought you thighs gently close to him so you can put them around his waist. He pulled you in with his hands . And you immediatly wrapped your legs around his jacket covering his singelet. Like usal, it came down to the morning makeout, so cute. You guys continued feeling passion of one another. But he made the wrong move, and  took off his jacket, and kept kissing you. Everyone watched, but Ashton came out , whistling, and said,” Getting pretty horny over there, eh?” but you two ignored him. Just as Luke was about to take of your shirt, you heard footsteps from Ashton’s mom coming down stairs. You guys pulled away and sat with the others at the kitchen table.

“Hi, Mum! We were just leaving.” Ashton said as all 5 of you went out to Ashton's car. There were only 4 seats in the car. And like any boyfriend would do, Luke offered to let you sit on his lap, which you accepted  Ashton sighed.

“I wish (other girls name?) was here and could come and sit on me.” Michael mumbled

“I’ll sit on you,Mike !” Calum said from between you guys.

“No, Calum. You did that once, and it will never happen again!” Michel said. Calum sighed. You and others just laughed.

When you guys arrived, Ashton parked and all of you got out. You were hoping that mean kid, “Ryan”, wouldn’t bug you again. He called you a bitch for dating Luke, last week. And right at that moment, you entered the doors, leaving your group of friends, you rushed to your locker hoping to dodge the sight of Ryan, but stood next to your locker, was Ryan.

“Hey, slutt.” He said. You ignored him as you tried opening your locker, but his flabby arm blocked it.

"Please. Get. Away . From . Me.” You said in disgust.

"Fine, only if you kiss me.” He puckered his lips, and you smashed your locker door at his face once you popped it open

“A cunt dochebag like you can't get one will a fugly face like yours” You said randomly. He looked up at you, and made a ferocious attack at you. He pushed you against all the other locker on the opposite side, which student scattered away from.

“I guess, the slut whore decided to speak. You'll regret that, Y/n ” he said as he pinned both your two arms with one. But the other hand was to punch you right on the face. But before he did you hear a familiar voice.

“WHAT THE FUCKIN” BLOODY HELL ARE YOU DOING?!!?!?!” It was Luke. With your group. Ryan was flabbergasted ( Lololo, funny word c;) . Ryan stepped back and let you free. You ran into Luke’s arms.

“Fine, if I can’t punch that nimrod little girl, then I’ll just punch you!!” he said to Luke. Luke was frozen. He let go of you to end this. Luke went up to him and slammed him hard on the wall. You heard multiple hard punches. Just as the punching stopped, you turned around, and Luke pinned him and yelled,”  DON’T YOU EVER MESS WITH MY GIRLFRIEND EVER AGAIN!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!” Ryan nodded and ran away as fast a lightning bolt.

Luke, exhausted and bleeding, reached in for  a hug.

“Luke, you saved me. How could I ever replay you?”

“You can repay me by taking me to the nurse!” You laughed.

“Of course.” You said as the first period bell rang and you and Luke were alone walking slowly to the nurse’s office.

As you two were walking you said,” I think I want to repay you even more.”

“Like what?” he questioned.

“Hint: Your bed."

“I hope Calum isn't going to be there” Luke sniffed, sending you a smirk.




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