20|| Are we still on?

Start from the beginning

I heard Liam open the front door and walk outside

"What do you think your doing, this is private property, I could call the police" I heard Liam yell

I heard pounding footsteps of people running away and heard Liam shut the front door and walk back into our room

"Damn paparazzi"

"It was the paparazzi?" I asked

"Yeah", he said "They must have hopped the fence and they had a ladder, what sick people they are"

I could tell Liam was getting really flustered about this and honestly I was too but stress is the last thing we need in our lives, this is the prime in our lives, our baby booming years and I wont let anybody, even the paparazzi take that away from us

"Liam I know its frustrating but just calm down, ok, babe"

"Okay" he said "I just can't stand the thought of you being home alone and having people like that on our property. I always want you to feel safe"

"I always feel safe, I know if anybody were to try anything you are just a phone call away and so are the police, and we have extra security starting next week since we found out about baby #2 so I promise you it will be fine"

"As long as you feel safe, that's all that matters, I love you so much baby" he said as he leaned in and pecked me on the lips

"I love you too babe, always"

I got up from my chair and headed up the stairs to go back to what I was trying to do, take a shower.


Perrie and I had just arrived at the bridal shop and I had just finished telling her the story of the paparazzi

"Oh my gosh that's crazy, I'm so glad Liam was home" she said

"Yeah me too" I said taking a deep breath letting Perrie know I didn't want to talk about this anymore.

She nudged me "Ehh, so baby #2, are you excited"

"Absolutely, I couldn't be more excited" she smiled at me but I could see the sadness in her eyes, she was pregnant with baby number 3 but then had a miscarriage about a month ago

"Good for you guys, I couldn't be more happy for you both, Zayn and I decided to start trying for baby #3 again" she said and I could tell she was genuinely happy

"What?! No way! Good for you guys, I'm really happy for you both. I'm sending baby dust our way"

I realized people and in the bridal shop were looking at us now because they probably thought saying baby dust was weird.

Baby dust is like pixie dust, when someone is trying to conceive its like wishing them luck!

"So shall we try on some wedding dresses?" she asked



3 hours later, I am happy to say I have officially found my dream dress

My dress is floor length, strapless and has little beads here and there all over it, I am so in love. Of course not as in love with Liam but you know

"I can't believe you will be Mrs. Payne in a week now" Perrie said

I realized I was daydreaming and snapped back into it

"I know, I can't believe it either, I'm so excited" I said and I couldn't stop smiling

I took in the rest of the ride home.

I have a beautiful daughter, baby on the way and a fiancée and I couldn't have dreamed for better life.

Mrs. Payne, that has a pretty nice ring to it

I could get used to that


Hey guys! I'm backkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!

Im super sorry I haven't updated in so long but I have been soooooo busy.

I will figure out an updating schedule soon and let you guys know what it will be

I can't believe we are at 4.5k reads! I never dreamed this many people would enjoy this book

Thank you all so much for everything!

I love you all!!



December 20th, 2015

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