Too good to be true

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I'm so mad right actually makes sense what she said. How could a handsome sexy boy like him fall for a nerdy girl like me?..but still..even though it was just for a moment..i thought what we had was real. I thought he meant all the words he said to me and whispered into my ear..all the moments we shared and the laughs and good talks..i thought they were real..i thought i had finally found true love. Stupid me..thinking i was good enough. The bell rang and i immediately ran out of class and walked to German's house.


I'm in front of his door now. I ring the bell and he opened it. "FUCK YOU. I FUCKING HATE YOU STUPID LIAR HOW COULD YOU. HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME HOW COULD YOU LOOK INTO MY EYES AND LIE SO BAD AND HURT ME S-" "ANGIE! calm down! What are you talking about!!" "I KNOW EVERYTHING GERMAN.." i was almost crying my eyes out and my stomach hurt so was just like all the butterflies had died..i wiped my own tears away and i saw my hands were all black because of the mascara running down my face. "I know about your ex girlfriend..that you go back to her everytime and that.." I was trying to say something but it was so hard because i had to talk through my sobs and i could hardly breathe. "I know i was not your..first time. Like you said..I know you love her." "Angie...that's not the truth...don't you understand? She's just jealous because of our perfect relatio-" "DON'T CALL IT PERFECT! A relationship full of lies isn't even a real relationship!" "But Angie I.." "German don't say anything. I've heard enough..and for me, it's done. It was just too good to be true..i guess i don't deserve to be happy."

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