-Look who arrived, Mila! - Normani whispered to me.

I narrowed my eyes seeing Lauren's car pass by the gate of the huge building.

A "Finally" came out of my mouth without me even noticing. I stood up quickly, taking out of my wallet a few dollars to pay my part of the bill.

-Jesus, calm down. She won't run away! - Normani said laughing.

-I don't know about that. - Dinah entered the joke.

I shrugged and huffed.

-Leave me, ok? I'm going to talk to Lauren. See you later, girls.

-Good luck, Mila. - Ally then said.

I quickly left the bistro seeing my best friends stay behind in an entertaining conversation. At the moment I wasn't very excited, after all being in a fight with Lauren was never good. I sighed heavily and frowned with the strong sun that was present that morning. The avenue was now more busy, I stopped on the sidewalk looking for a gap to cross towards Jauregui's Industry. And soon had, I ran to the other side and passed by the gate giving just a wave to the security guard at the entrance.

-Good Morning, Miss Cabello. - Alfred said with a smile.

I smiled weakly and approached the man who cleaned Lauren's car.

-She's upstairs?

-Yes, ma'am, she just went up a few minutes ago. I must recommend that you be patient. She doesn't seem to be in a good day.

"That's what I thought" - I thought and shrugged, and thanked the man who just smiled. I walked in large steps to the elevator that would take me to the great beast called Lauren Jauregui. I confess that I was somewhat fearful. My head was so full with problems that I was starting to have some sort of anxiety attack. An uneasiness followed by thoughts in excess wasn't a good thing, at all. I moved my head from one side to the other trying to relax, when the beep of the elevator sounded.

The sound of my heels on the floor echoed in that place. After all, everyone was still in their lunch break. And Lauren had her own floor in the building. I took a deep breath before knocking on the big wooden door when it opened.

-Wow! Mila! - Vero said smiling.

I smiled weakly and stepped back.

-Come in! - she stepped to the side and I entered the office.

My eyes quickly searched for Lauren, and found her. She was sitting on her presidential chair with a very serious expression. We were all in silence when Vero spoke:

-I'll leave you two alone.

Lauren just nodded. Vero walked to the exit.

-I thought that you weren't coming today. - I whispered.

-I was just solving some problems with Vero earlier today, I'm sorry for not having warned.

-No, it's okay. - I shrugged and approached - Do you need something?

Lauren was silent for a few seconds and then stared at me.

-Yes! Schedule a meeting with Miss Issartel.

I widened my eyes feeling my heart race.

-Wh... What? - I blinked more times than necessary.

-Exactly what you heard. I want to close a deal with Issartel, and I need her to come here. Is there a problem?

-Lauren, you hate her. How do you want to close a deal with her?

Lauren stood up from her chair with an ironic smile, almost mocking. She walked in slow steps to the large glass window of her office, her eyes remained attentive to the movement of the cars down there. She seemed too calm, while I was about to explode in nervousness.

The Stripper (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now