Starting over pt.2

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We got ready to go and got in the limo and Jae fell asleep on me so I started sucking on her neck and rubbing her thigh and she woke up moaning we got back to the room and there where clothes on the floor from the front door to the bed room. We where in the restroom and I sat Jae on the counter and started sucking on her neck again and rubbing her thighs touching hot spots making her Yelp. Before I entered a made her tell how much she loved and as I entered her moans became cries begging me not to stop. I picked her up and pushed her into the wall I felt her nails penetrate my skin making me move faster until we both released she was breathing heavily and holding me while I was still inside so I slid her off and carried her to the bed she put on on of my white button up shirts from the closet and she found a Micheal Jackson hat and decided to jump on me so I reopened the shirt and laid her at bottom of the bed and barely entered before hearing a knock on the door. I slid into some basketball shorts and went to look out the peep hole. To see Trey standing there I opened the door we where face to face.
"What you want?"
"I want to talk to Jae real quick."
"She's kinda busy right now."
"Babe hurry up!" Jae said peeking around the corner looking at me then Trey she went back in the room.
"Bae do you wanna talk to Trey?"
"I can't right now I talk to you tomorrow I promise sorry." She yelled
He looked down "Tell her I just wanted her to see my mom because she been asking about her."
"I will." I said as I closed the door and went back in the room.
"What he say?"
"He said he want to see his mom tomorrow."
"alright I will wanna finish." She smiled I pushed her back down on the bed and ripped open her shirt and started going to work two hours later we stopped breathing hard and cuddling she fell asleep . I kissed her forehead and then dozed off holding her close to me.
Jae A. Pov
I went to sleep I felt August pull me closer it just made me think about everything we been through , everything we done, and seen. It made me have nightmares I figured I was tossing and turning because August woke me up.
"What's wrong with you."
"Had a bad dream sorry."
"But you were talking and crying."
"I was?"
"Yeah yelling out tyga stop August no I'm sorry."
"I just remembered everything that happened in the past and dreaming about what could've happened." I got out the bed and got in the shower and sat under the hot water until August got in with me he hugged me and held me . I got out did my hygiene and put on a romper went downstairs and started cooking eggs, bacon, pancakes, and sausage. Then August came downstairs and grabbed a plate then I realized I made to much I'm just used to cooking for six not two so I wrapped the rest up ate then went upstairs to get ready to go I texted Trey and told him to meet me somewhere. So I put on a blue half shirt and some acid wash jeans and a diamond belly ring and some diamond studs along with a necklace my hair was curly so I left it down. I put on some makeup and I went downstairs and grabbed the extra food and kissed August goodbye. I got in my corvette and drove to a cafe to see Trey sitting there waiting near a parking spot. "Where's your mom Trey."
"She at the house you gotta follow me there." He said as he got in his car so I followed him but I texted the address to August just in case something happens.
I walked in his mom was sitting on the couch watching tv I gave her the breakfast I made earlier. "It's been so long since I seen you Jae I remember when you where in middle school with your pony tails." She got up and gave me a hug we sat down and talked for hours. Then I looked down at my phone and got up " well I have to go pick up my kids but I will visiting you every now and then." We hugged Trey walked me out to the car I hugged him and he tried to grab my but I pushed him off. "You know I'm married."
"That can be changed." He said trying to kiss me but I pushed his face away from me and got in the car and drove off.
August A. Pov
I'm sitting waiting for Jae to get home but it took forever she left at 10am it's almost 4pm. I heard the door open Jae walked in with kids and groceries look at me getting worried over nothing. Then Jae told me she needed to talk to me when the kids go to bed. We sat on the couch and Jae laid her head on my legs and the girls fell asleep in the chair and Austin fell asleep on the other chair so I moved Jae. I picked up the twins and put them in the bed then Alanna and Austin then I went back downstairs and Jae wasn't there. So I went back upstairs and she was getting undressed to get in the shower and I just couldn't control myself. I walked over to her grabbed her and slung her on the bed. She laughed then her face got serious but sad she looked at me "babe Trey tried to kiss today I pushed his face away."
"You know what when I see him we gonna fight but right now it's me and you." I said as closed the door.
The next day
I woke up to yelling and went downstairs to see Lexi and Jae yelling.
"You were supposed to be my friend and you set me up really."
"We were never friends you took my man and for that we will forever be enemies."
"Good cause I'm a better enemy then a friend to you"
"Drake should've killed you."
"Kill yourself did he even rape you or did you make that up to because just as delusional as Layla was." (If you don't know who that is read the first chapter)
"But I'm better because I can kill your whole family." When I heard those words I a thump on the ground. I finally got downstairs and seen Lexi knocked out on the porch with a blood nose and Jae slammed the door. Then turned around looking at me.
"I'm sorry did I wake you up babe."
"Umm yeah."
"You heard all of it."
"Yep!" She walked upstairs and looked out the window.
Jae A. Pov
I looked out the window and seen Lexi walking away holding her nose. So I walked into my closet grabbed a pink crop top that said his sea mn, some black sweats, and my black and pink Jordan's then walked into the bathroom took a shower brushed my teeth and finished the rest of my hygiene. I put on a pair of matching pink lace underwear and brush my hair into a bun and put on some makeup and my clothes. Then got the kids dressed and clean. "August I put a shirt on the bed for you to wear on the bed." Then I turned the tv on and went back upstairs to see August looking down at the shirt." Do you not like it."
"That's not it this shirt says number one and yours says his so I thought about some things from the past if my number one why does our relationship get tested like this and I've put you through so much and I'm sorry."
" It's ok I put you through a bunch to babe can we not right now the kids are downstairs and hungry can you get dressed so we can go eat."
"Ok." He said taking off his shirt going into the bathroom I walked downstairs to the kids looking at me. I love my kids but sometimes I wish I had them under different circumstances all the time crap happens to us but this just makes us stronger I hope.

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