Chapter 1

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I woke up around 9 am and i was beyond scared. My parents have always been supportive of my band, Versing Society, i have no idea how they are going to take the news. My dad bought me my first guitar when i was 12 and thats when my musical interest skyrocketed. I performed all of my middle and high school talent shows and even won a few of them. Thats where i met Joey, the bassist in the band. Hes been my best friend since the 6th grade. He came up to me in 5th grade and asked if we could do the talent show together. I said yes and we talked everyday since then. He cheered me up when i was sad and we shared some of my favorite memories together. I met the drummer, David, over the internet my freshman year. We shared lots of things in common including our love for music, video games, and anime. The guitarist, Ryan, I met him because i had THE BIGGEST crush on him. That was back in the 7th grade when he got 1st in the talent show. He was an amazing guitarist and I'm so glad i didnt mess up our friendship by telling him that i liked him. I got the call about a week ago, that we were going on Warped Tour. I was so excited I could barely talk to my band mates about it. The only thing is, i havent told my parents. Im sure they'll be supportive but im going to miss them. Im unbelievably close with my parent.

"Hey mom!" I said as i opened the door to my childhood home.

"Hey sweetie, how are you?" She asked

"Im doing great! Wheres dad?" I asked. He walked up behind me and hugged me from behind. I jumped a little and he laughed.

"Right here. How're you doing squirt?" He asked.

"Im good. But i have something to tell you guys. Well, i got a call from the director of Warped Tour and we got in!! We're going on warped tour!!" I exclaimed. My mom screamed and my dads jaw dropped. I couldnt control my smile. My mom started crying and both my parent came up and hugged me.

"Im so proud of you!!" My mom said half crying.

My dad looked me in the eye and said " I knew you could do it. I couldnt be more proud."

I did it, I made them proud. And plus they werent mad or upset. I couldnt be more happy.

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