The interviewer was an older man with awkward looking scruff, and he immediately looked me up and down.


It's gonna be one of those interviews. I sat down in the seat farthest from him.

"Hello ladies, we are going to go live in about five or so. I'm Rich, not economically, that's just my name."

He waited for us to laugh, no one did.

"Alrighty then, you guys will introduce yourselves then do a quick cover, then some more questions and we're all done, sound good?" Rich asked. All of us nodded, wanting to get out of here as quick as possible. I laced my fingers in my lap and played with the fabric of my jeans.

We all talked quietly until the guy in the sound room gave us a thumbs up and the red light turned on, signalling we were on. Rich introduced the radio show quickly and looked towards the five of us.

"Hey guys, we're Fifth Harmony!" We all said in unison, my gaze drifted over to Rich, whose eyes were locked onto my chest. I silently waved at him, telling him to look up.

"Alright lets get right down to the questions, your fans sent them in using our hashtag." He started, I was hating him more with every passing second. I looked over at Lauren to see her looking extremely annoyed. I had to hide my laugh.

"Are you lovely ladies single?" Of course, of fucking course he chooses this question.

Lauren is the first to speak, "I am."

"I know I am." Dinah chuckled, she's always one to lift spirits in a tension filled room.

"Me too." Ally nods with her words, poor thing has to stretch her neck to reach the mic.

"Me as well." Normani answers gently, what happened to her boisterous attitude from the ride over here?

Oh god, my turn.

"Yeah, yeah me too." I say with as real a smile as I could muster. Rich licks his lips, is no one else seeing this.

"What's been your favorite part of the Reflection Summer Tour?" He asks, Lauren reaches for my hand protectively under the table. Telling me she sees the way he's acting.

"Summer Reflection Tour," Normani corrects softly. "and it's really just been meeting all of our lovely harmonizers."

"I think all of us can agree, meeting the people who make our lives the way they are is the most rewarding part of it all." I add, squeezing Lauren's hand.

The girls agree quietly, and an uncomfortable silence falls over the six of us. I look around the room, waiting for Rich to cue us. Lauren runs a thumb over my hand soothingly, it helps me relax.

Finally the man says, "You guys were going to sing for us?"

"yes, of course!" Lauren says a little too excitedly, I giggle and the other girls smile.

"Here's Sink or Swim by Lewis Watson."

I start out the beginning.

Sink or Swim

Hold your breathe and just

It's True ⇔ Camila/YouDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora