Young Volcanoes

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I quietly crawl out of the tunnel taking in my surroundings being cautious that no one is around, it's been over twenty four hours since I ran away I have to be careful just incase they are looking for me.

When I see that no one is around I crawl out completely and stand up. The sky is pitch black and full of an uncountable number of stars. I grab my back and fling it over my shoulder and begin to walk.

I feel so tired, I kind of have an urge to go home. I don't know what to do.

You know, I actually really hate this place again. This whole world is a nightmare and I would do so much just to be able to die.

I thought I was recovering, they thought I was recovering, in fact they thought I had recovered.

I don't really know where I am, I think this may an outer suburb of the city, it's silent though and I hate it. The silence allows the thoughts to kick in.

The city isn't too far away, maybe I should go back there, even if they're looking for me I should still be safe because there is many people in the city, even at night.

As I reach a street corner the dreadful silence continues until I see two young boys with hoods on running around like mad, they look like they're up to something.

I quickly stop trying to not make a sound, I feel unsafe, what do I do, if I move they will hear me because it is so quiet.

I watch as the two boys grab out something small from a bag. What is it? It's too dark to see.

Suddenly as they reach the wall of a building they start spraying something. Graffiti artists?

I watch them in curiosity, what should I do, should I call the police? They're breaking the law. But then that will put me in danger because they will then find me.

I wait for time to pass as the two boys continue spraying.

"Lol, yours looks like a dick!" One of the boys laughs at the other.

"Yeah well yours looks a cow!" The other laughs back.

"What, how? Thats a stupid comeback." The first replies.

The boys continue joking as I listen in waiting for them to leave.

"I'm done!"

"I am too almost."

When they finish and put away their items I beg that they don't walk my way. But they do, they quickly make their way towards me.

I panic and wonder what to do but I am too scared that I can't work it out and just end up standing there not going anywhere

"Hey you!" One of them yells towards me, "How long have you been there?"

I look up with fear in my eyes. What do I do?

"Lets get her, or she will report us." The other yells as they begin the make their way after me. I run across the road and keep running until eventually I am stuck and don't know where else to go.

"Ha! You're stuck now." One of them laughs.

"No please, I can't even report you if I don't know who you are or what you look like." I exclaim.

The boys take a step closer.

"Wait yeah, she's right," One says, "And I wouldn't want to hurt a girl as cute as her."

I blush at what he said. But what? How would he even know what I look like? Thats when I realise that I am under a street light.

"How old are you and what are you doing out here this time of night?" He asks.

"Ummmm...." Should I tell him or not? "I'm 16 and i'm out here because I ran away."

"Oh, wait why did you run away?" The other asks.

"I umm, I don't really want to talk about it." I mumble.

"Okay, I understand." The first one says.

"Please don't tell anyone and I won't tell anyone about you guys." I beg.

"Well like you said, you can't report us if you don't know what we look like." The second one replies.

"Anyway, it would be completely pointless in you dobbing us into the police, if you did then you would get caught," The other says, "Anyway, whats your name?"

"....I'm...Silva." I reply.

"Is that you're real name because you seemed to take your time to say that?" He says stepping into the light with the other guy so that I can see their faces.

"Yeah it is, I was just wondering if I should tell you or not." I murmur.

"Okay, well i'm Andy and this is Darren." The first one says gesturing to the other.

"And the only reason we're talking to you is because you seem nice and we know it would be stupid for you to tell the police." Darren says taking off his hood.

Darren looks about 17 years old, his hair just below his ears and is messy, it's a blonde colour with bright green on tips, his skin is a bit pale, eyes blue.

Andy looks about 17 as well, his hair quite long, it goes about ten centimeters below his shoulders. His eyes look grey.

"You know, since you ran away, you could come chill with us so that you don't have to try to hide." Andy kindly suggests.

"Sorry, but I don't know you so I just need to be safe." I reply.

"Okay, I get ya, well we better get going, see ya!" Darren says as they start heading away.

"Wait!" I yell stopping them. You know what, if they turn out to be serial killers or something who really cares?

"What?" Andy yells back, "Did you change your mind and you wanna come now?"

"Yes." I reply.

"Okay come then." Darren yells as if I am a dog.

The guys are nice, we end up going back to Andy's house, on the walk there we were just getting to know each other, Andy is 18 years old and Darren is 17.

Andy's parents are a bit similar to mine apparently, I haven't met them though, they're asleep at the moment.

Darren doesn't have a great relationship with his parents either, I think they're worse than Andy's, so he just stays at Andy's place most of the time. Andy says his parents don't particularly care, in fact they don't even notice a lot of the time because they rarely ever come into his room.

Anyway, right now we're all just laying on the ground chilling and making jokes.

These guys are so cool, I think I want to be friends with them.


I don't really like this chapter to be honest but I don't have time to change it.

Anyway, here it is.

Young Volcanos - Fall Out Boy

Waiting For TomorrowTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon