Chapter 23: Into The Unknown Dungeon We Go!

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The day begins as normal, Kim wakes up early and runs to wake her dad up so that they can head for the unknown dungeon!

Kim: dad let's go ! I want to get there as soon as we can! Oh and I also need to get a Kakuna from the Viridian forest!

Red: well we can do that on the way! Why do you need one?

Kim: I need it for the Pokédex. I think I want to catch it as a Weedle and then evolve it, that way it knows a move other than harden!

Red: yeah that makes since!

Before they leave Jonathan wakes up and he gives Kim a good luck kiss!

Kim: thanks Jonathan!

Jonathan: just doing what I can since I can't go with you!

Kris wakes up too!

Kris: Oh you haven't left yet?

Kim: just about to leave!

Kris: well then good luck! Come on Jonathan let's get started on the clone machine.

Kim and Red leave Pallet Town. They fly to Viridian city on their Charizard and then walk into the Viridian forest! Kim and Red enter the forest and start looking for a Weedle for Kim to catch.

Red: hey I think I just heard a Weedle!

Kim: yeah I think I hear it oh and I see it!
She walks over to the Weedle!

Kim: Charmander come on out!

Red: a Charmander? Wait its shiny!

Kim: yep this is my new shiny girl! I just hatched her recently! Charmander use Ember!

The weedle tries to use poison sting. The Weedle is burned by Charmander's Ember.

Kim: Pokéball go!

Kim throws the Pokéball. She catches the Weedle! She then heals it and uses it in battles! It learns Bug bite and then evolves into a Kakuna !

Kim: I am ready to go to the unknown dungeon!

Red: ok then let's fly to Cerulean City so that we can surf to the unknown dungeon!

Kim: ok let's do it!
They fly on there Charizard! When they get there Red leads the way to the dungeon!

They get to the water and Kim brings out her Lapras! Red also brings out his Lapras as well! They surf together side by side and then are met by a person blocking the entrance to the dungeon!

Man: Red is that you? Who is this with you?

Red: this is the new champion, Kim! She is also my daughter!

Man: wow you were defeated by your own daughter!

Kim: yes sir! May I enter and capture Mewtwo? I have heard that it lives in this dungeon!

Man: that is correct! I have seen it myself! Since you have defeated the Champion you are strong enough to face the strong Pokémon inside. I see you are ready to go in! Good luck! Mewtwo are extremely hard to catch!

Kim: thank you sir, I have a master ball if I need to use it!

Man: well I guess that is one way of catching it! I myself prefer to battle my Pokémon before I catch them!

Kim: I usually do too, but if this will be the best way to make sure I catch it I will! Mewtwo is the only Pokémon I need for my Pokédex to own all of them!

Man: wow I can see why you want it so bad, well good luck and have fun!

Kim: I will thanks!

Red: don't worry I will be in there to protect her as well!

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