You glaced at the clock, it was already 7pm. Mabel ran downstairs to tell Dipper about it the sleepover you're about to have. In the mean time, you used gruncle Stan's phone to call your own grandfather and tell him you're staying over at the Pine's house.


"Scary story time!" Mabel yelled and turned off the lights. You, Dipper and Mabel huddled up beneath a blanket. Dipper grabbed a flashlight and turned it on, shining it on his face from underneath.

You could hear thunder rumble in the distance, signaling there's a storm coming. You shifted a little closer to Mabel.

"Ghosts, floating eyeballs, stange disfigured creatures lurk around Gravity Falls every single night in these very woods." Dipper began as you heard thunder again. "There's a myth going around that if you walk around the forest at night, you can hear beautiful singing.. The voices will hipnotize you, making you walk in the direction of the pond... The voices will make you walk into the pond and the creatures that lived there.." Dipper leaned closer to you and Mabel "..will eat you alive."

You gulped, trying not to show you were scared infront of your best friends. You looked over at Mabel who was slightly shaking.

Dipper straightened up and began to speak in a lower, creepyer voice.

"Every night, at 12 AM sharp, a mysterious shadow lurks around houses who are in the forest." He took a glace at you. "It knocks on windows and whatever you do, do NOT open your eyes. The shadow will knock softly on your bedroom's window, then it will get louder, and louder untill it will feel like the window is gonna break! But it won't. If you open your eyes something will happen, but no one knows for sure what."

The flashlight Dipper has flickered softly as thunder got stronger and the wind picked up outside.

"Ever heard of Bill Cipher? He's a dream demon who can control peoples minds. He stalks them in dreams, slowly making that person go insane..-" Dipper didn't get to finish his sentence because both you and Mabel started to scream loud becouse of the lightning and thunder that occured just a split second ago.

Deciding that it's best if you'd stop scaring yourselves, you all went to bed. Only.. You all slept in Dipper's bed, too frightened to sleep on your own.

It wasn't long untill Mabel and Dipper fell asleep, but you felt uneasy. As if someone was watching you from outside, just waiting for you to go to sleep. You kept jumping at every single noise you heard. Eventually you got tired and fell asleep along with the twins.

~~Time Skip~~

In the morning, you had breakfast with your best friends and you three chatted about whatever came in your mind. After that, you decided to head home to your grandad. Oddly enough, there was no sign of the storm last night. You were pretty sure that the huge storm yesterday would have coused a bit if a damage.

The sky was grey, no wind. It was quiet. You slowly made your way through a forest path that lead to your grandad's house. Once you made it to your house, you spotted your mother's car parked besides the front door. That was strange, considering she shouldn't be here.

As you walked inside the house, you were greeted by your mother who was enjoying a cup of tea with her dad a.k.a. your grandad.

"Mom? What are you doing here?" You asked, taking off your shoes and jacket.

"Oh sweetie, you sound like you're not happy to see me! Why I'm here to bring you home to (home town)!" She took a sip of her tea.

"But why so early? You promised you'd be here next week!" You frowned, awkwardly shifting your gaze to the grownd.

Unexpected fate [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now