He's jealous

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Bailey met up with his music producers to discuss the plans for his upcoming concert in the Araneta. He isn't just a great actor but also a very talented singer/performer and had several successful concerts in the past but this special event is a celebration of his fifth year in the business and a lot of exciting things are in store for all his fans. They discussed about his production numbers and also his special guests from the business, and this includes Ylona as the most anticipated guest star of the night. They are both very excited to perform together on stage and have already brainstormed on their song numbers. They have a couple of months to prepare for the concert, and he is really looking forward to it. It was late afternoon when they have finished the meeting. He is seeing Ylona tonight and they made plans to have dinner at a fancy restaurant owned by a friend, which is very private and discreet; they have been there a couple times already and not even a single photo was taken of them together.

He hurriedly walked out of the conference room and couldn't wait to see his girlfriend when a familiar face caught up with him.

"Hey man! How you doing?" Juan Karlos greeted him. The two are pretty close and hang out together when they can but it's been a while since the last time. They bro hugged and chatted up.

"Fine bro! I just came from a meeting with the bosses to talk about my concert. You are performing by the way and you can't say no." Bailey reminded his friend.

"Of course! I'll be there. I'm meeting the boys later for drinks. You should come with. I haven't seen you in a long time. Where have you been hiding these days, huh?" They walked together towards the parking lot and headed for their cars.

"Imma pass, bro. I made plans already. Maybe next time, just give me a call." Bailey declined the offer politely. He is well aware of these boy's night outs and how much misfit and trouble they get into but it was always fun.

"You're such a buzzkill. I'm sure you're just blowing us off for a girl you won't even remember in a  few days. Come on man!" JK insisted. The two friends are notorious playboys and girls still throw themselves at them regardless of their reputation.

"I can't really and I'm running late so I better go." Bailey was pissed at his friend's remark but he couldn't tell him off.

"Hey! You're friends with Ylona, right? I saw her a few days ago at the studio. Oh my! Whatta a hottie! Is she single? Can you fix me up with her. Man, she's gorgeous!" JK went on about her, and failed to notice the change in his friend's mood.

"No, she's seeing someone so stop whatever dirty thoughts you're having. She's not like all the other girls you go for. She's decent, smart, sexy and beautiful. She's too good for you. I am warning you bro." Bailey was getting annoyed at his friend and he knew him well enough to know that when he likes a girl he wouldn't stop until he gets her.

"Geez! You sound like a jealous boyfriend. I am sure she's single. Why don't we let Ylona decide for herself okay. She's a big girl now and can very well look after herself. I am recording with her in the next few days so we'll see what happens." JK winked at him and waved him goodbye.

Bailey was fuming mad. He was shaking with anger and it took all of his self control to stop himself from attacking his friend right there and then. He was angrier at their situation and how absurd it is to not tell the world about their relationship. He was in deep thought as he drove the car and the traffic allowed him time to think about them and whatever they have together. 

He got into the restaurant just right in time for dinner. Ylona texted her that she's already close and asked him to order ahead for the both of them. 

"Hey handsome! The traffic was terrible and I am super hungry I can eat a horse. Sorry to keep you waiting." She kissed him and sat down on her chair. "What are we having tonight? Ylona was still her usual hyper self even after a long day, oblivious to her partner's mood. 

"The usual? Steak, medium rare. How was your day?" Bailey tried to lighten his mood and smiled at his beautiful girlfriend.

"Everything's great. We're right on schedule and I'll be done recording at the end of next week, hopefully. How was your meeting?" Their talk was interrupted when their food was served. They both attacked their delicious meal at once and enjoyed it well with a glass of wine.

"I ran into JK earlier. You didn't tell me you're recording together." Bailey wanted to ask her this from the moment he found out.

"Yeah, we met the other day when he came to the studio and then we had a jam session with the crew which the producer heard and liked so he wanted us to work together to see if people would like it. Funny, I forgot to tell you, it must've slipped my mind. He's so talented by the way. You two are close, right?" Ylona continued eating her food and noticed his slight mood change.

"He's interested in you, he just said straight in my face. I wanted to punch him so badly." Bailey couldn't hide his jealousy now.

"Baby! Oh my gosh! Did you guys fight? What happened?" Ylona was surprised to hear this from him. She was clueless about the guys' issues. She didn't know JK that much anyways. She reached for his hand and squeezed it tightly.

"No, we didn't. He just said a few things I didn't like. We're friends, but it just pisses me off when he openly talks about liking you and I couldn't do anything to shut him up." Bailey was upset she could tell. He is a very transparent person and it was pretty obvious he was jealous of JK.

"Babe, I am telling you now to not worry. I am not interested in anyone but you. I know this situation is hard for you and me, but we'll let them know in the right time. I am still loving this secret that we have, I can't believe we're going out for three months now but still nobody knows. This is so much better than letting everyone in our business and you know how that'd work out." She reassured him immediately and felt relieved and happy when he smiled back at her.

"It's him I'm worried about babe. I know him too much that's why. Please tell me the moment he makes a move on you, okay." Bailey insisted. It was cute to see this jealous/protective side of him and it melted her heart just a little to know how much he cares for her.

"Come here. I wouldn't care even if he's Daniel Padilla or Zac Efron. All I want is you." She hugged him tight and kissed him sweetly so he would know how much she means every word she said. 

The waiting staff saw the sweet encounter of the lovebirds and couldn't help the giddy feeling. If only they could take photos or even talk about the things that they get to witness here but sadly they can't. 

Kismet (destiny or fate) a BaiLona fanfic ❤️❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now