We meet again, pal!

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The Present day...

It was Darren and Ylona's homecoming celebration after yet another successful leg of US tour. They arrived the previous day and were still feeling jet lagged but they couldn't miss this important guesting. They meet in the lobby and hurried to get dressed and made up for their performance. Ylona saw familiar faces and greeted friends she missed all these years she was away. After the show, she went inside her friends' dressing room to catch up when she saw somebody she is not ready to face yet. She can see how time's been good to him and how he has grown way more handsome than ever, the screen didn't do him justice as he was very much better looking in person. She was caught off-guard, and got  flustered and couldn't seem to find the courage to even say hi to him. 

Bailey was laughing with his mates when the door opened and came in the person he was too scared to face. He can see she has changed into a very beautiful young lady and grown sexier and taller, but he can still see the thirteen year old girl he had fallen for, in the way she smiled at her friends and how her face lit up as she was engaged in their conversation, and then she saw him.

Bailey approached Ylona slowly gathering up courage until he was standing right in front of her. "Lona, how are you? We haven't seen each other in forever! But of course we all heard about your success abroad and we are truly proud!" He mumbled. He scolded himself for being such an idiot in front of Ylona but he couldn't help himself. He saw Ylona blushed and thanked him for his kind words, but he silently wished he would get a hug as well being one of her friends but he just patiently listened as she talked about how she would be spending a few months back home and rest before starting to record another album. Bailey could see how tired she is and also impressed by her dedication at her work, but she still looked more stunning than ever. Ylona was getting conscious at the close proximity and the way he's staring at her. He still had the same effect on her but ten times fold and she can't help swooning yet again over him. The group decided to get together one day and meet up for old time's sake and they agreed on a date when everyone's off work. Suddenly, a pair of arms went around her and when she turned it was Darren. "Hi everyone! I'm Darren. I can see you are all playing catch up. Hope I am not interrupting but babe, we have to go. We still need to get settled in. Sorry guys!" The old friends exchanged numbers and parted ways, leaving a very sad Bailey looking at the lovers as they left. He was surprised to be feeling something for his old pal after all these years, he was pretty sure it was all gone and left inside that famous house they shared. He saved Ylona's number and promised to himself he was going to do something about these feelings that got him confused and scared at the same time.

Ylona was watching tv in her condo when she saw an interview of Bailey with an attractive actress as they left for a date. She can see them holding hands and smiling lovingly at each other. It was weird to be feeling something like jealousy at her old friend and his girlfriend so she brushed the feeling aside and turned the tv off. She doesn't feel like going out today and cancelled dinner with Darren telling him she wasn't feeling okay and would just want to rest. She was reading in her room when her phone rang and saw an unknown number, she would usually just ignore but decided on answering it. 

"Hi! Is this Ylona's phone? It's Bailey! Hope I am not disturbing you." He greeted. "No, I was only reading and getting ready for bed. I wasn't feeling good earlier so I guess I am staying in tonight. What can I do for you, Bai? Ylona replied. She was suddenly curious to know what he wants from her.

"Nothing, I just wanted to see how you are. Sorry to hear you're not feeling good. Do you want me to get you something? I am free tonight, I can be your personal nurse maybe." He offered and silently wished for her to say yes.

"Nope you don't have to do that. I am okay now actually. Thanks anyway. You are a good friend, Bai. Sad we didn't keep in touch as much."

"Yeah! But you know what we can still continue where we left off. I miss my friend. Sorry if I stopped corresponding. I am here now if you'll have me." Bailey bared himself.

"Oh Bailey! I am glad we can go back to the way things were, and I am excited for our group's outing. I will see you then, okay?" Ylona couldn't wait for their trip. Bailey offered for them to stay in his beach house and they could enjoy swimming in the beach and his infinity pool or go diving and enjoy other water activities/sports.

Kismet (destiny or fate) a BaiLona fanfic ❤️❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now