It's always been you

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Ylona and JK are at the studio recording a song together which would complete Ylona's new and upcoming album. The two singers are doing well and sounded really great which got the crew and everybody pleased with the outcome. Ylona was finally done with recording and couldn't hide the excitement in her voice as she cheered with her crew and team.

"Congratulations are in order I guess, we kicked butt in there, Ylona! You made me proud, girl." JK approached her as everyone was celebrating the end of the recording session, and offered her a hug.

Ylona avoided it intentionally and gave JK an awkward handshake instead. "I am so glad we're through but I'll have to wait a bit before the album's ready and there's promotions and so much things to do!! You obviously know what I mean. You would think I'd be used to it by now, but still it's a lot to process."

"Hey! Don't worry about that for now. See everybody's in high spirits and glad to get this over with. Why don't we celebrate and go out with your team for drinks tonight." JK insisted and tried desperately to go out with Ylona, flashing her with his irresistible smile.

Ylona was about to respond when someone called her name.

"Hey! There you are." Bailey greeted her with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She was definitely surprised to see him but also thought how cute of him to show up here knowing JK and her would be together.

"Hi Bro! How was recording? Hope you kept up with her and didn't mess up.. jokes!" Bailey turned to his buddy. He kept his arm at her waist, marking his territory.

JK was shocked a bit and finally realized something's is going on between the two.

"You two are so... cute! Is there something you are not telling me, buddy?" JK wanted to quiz them but he got a knowing laugh from Bailey instead and a nervous smile from Ylona.

"Enough of that! We are going out to celebrate tonight." Ylona dragged the two boys and they all headed out to a private elite club along with her team and crew.

While in the car Ylona asked Bailey why he came to see her and wanted to find out if he was checking up on her and JK.

"I liked that you came to see me babe, but did you do that to get JK off my back? She teased him lightly.

"That's definitely a yes, babe. I just wanna get the message across and I know him too well. He won't stop until he gets what he wants and I know we talked about it but I am going crazy with jealousy thinking about it today so I guess I owe you an apology. Am I in trouble for barging in and maybe revealing our secret?"

Ylona couldn't help but laugh. "You are so cute when you're jealous, do you know that? I just wanna pinch your cheeks and smack your pout away at the same time. No, I'm not mad at you. JK is okay, you don't have to worry. He was giving me attention maybe because he didn't know about us before. He is like you in so many ways, maybe that's why you are such good friends. She pinched his ear playfully and put her head on his shoulder while he drives.

Bailey kissed the top of her head and told her about the close friendship he has with JK and other guy celebrities in his small circle until they reached the club.

"Have you had dinner already? We can grab something first if you want." Bailey asked her.

"We've eaten already. The guys got us take outs earlier. How about you? It's past 10. Hope you didn't skip dinner." Ylona held on to his arm as they walked to the entrance.

"I am good. I've had dinner, thanks babe. Now where are the guys? They saw their friends instantly and Bailey led them in and smiled at the staff, JK and him were not only members but regulars at the place and the staff knew them well. They are also very respectful of their clients' privacy. The club is very elite and exclusive, only members and guests with invites could get in so most of the patrons are VIPs who prefer this over other popular clubs/bars.

They settled in and started ordering drinks as soon as they got seated. There wasn't a huge crowd tonight but the DJ was playing some dope set and everyone was in a party mood. It was impossible to have a conversation without pretty much screaming at each other so they were eventually divided into small groups and that allowed JK, Bailey and Ylona to bond closely.

"Ylona, did you know that my friend here tried to warn me to stay away from you the last time we saw each other. I was clueless then, of course I wouldn't try to get you to fall in love with me if I had known, but still it was funny." JK confessed to the couple and got a friendly punch in the arm from Bailey.

"I am glad you're happy my friend. You are one lucky bastard! You better look after her before some douche takes her away from you." JK spoke sincerely and he was genuinely happy for his friend.

"Bro, we have agreed to keep it under wraps for now if you now what I mean so you better shut it, okay?" Bailey asked his friend to keep their secret as well to which JK understood.

Ylona saw how close the two were and was happy for Bailey that he has people who look after him and have his back. In their world, there are so many fake ones and she is a very good judge of character and still finds it hard to trust people straight away.

The group was having a great time and enjoying themselves. They knew Bailey and Ylona pretty well and thought how well they suited each other and were truly happy for the two. There were also familiar faces in the crowd but they all stayed out of each others' business. JK left to greet some friends and Bailey asked Ylona to go dancing, half dragging her to the dance floor in excitement as his favorite jam was playing. They slow danced to the beat as he had his arms around her waist and hers went automatically around his neck. They only had eyes for each other and their bodies moved gracefully in sync with each other and the music playing; they were unconscious of the other people and only had eyes for each other.

"You are the most beautiful and sexiest woman I have ever known. It has always been you, ever since the beginning, our PBB days, it's always been you, baby." Bailey whispered in her ear, brushing his lips on her ear and gave her goosebumps.

She gave him a seductive look and winked at him then tiptoed and whispered back, "I know baby, I've watched all the videos before, and it's always been you too!" She bit his ear lobe sexily which sent shivers down Bailey's back.

They continued dancing a bit more as their friends joined them, it was clear they were having a grand time.

Kismet (destiny or fate) a BaiLona fanfic ❤️❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now