Living in the real world

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They didn't win the grand prize but both Ylona and Bailey stood out among all the other housemates and the outside world couldn't wait to meet them. They had offers of tv guestings, interviews, gigs and even contracts for movies/tv shows for Bailey and album recordings for Ylona. Doors opened for both kids and they are very much blessed and happy to accept. One interview together, they were asked by the host a question that everybody had in mind since the show started. "What is going in between you two? Bailey, do you like Ylona romantically?" Bailey was lost for words and Ylona was too embarrassed to even look at her friend. Bailey answered, "She is just a friend and we have become really close inside the house, we are too young for such things anyway." He tried to give an honest answer but he hasn't told anyone especially Ylona about his real feelings, he isn't about to confess it to the world. Ylona agreed with what Bailey said and replied, " You know we should just focus on whatever offers and opportunities that have opened for us. We are very grateful to the network for taking care of us." She was slightly hurt that she would just be a friend to Bailey but she held her chin up and vowed to forget the attraction and feelings she developed for him.

They lost touch for a while and would just meet occasionally during ASAP performances and guestings. Their parents thought it is important to finish high school at least so they had to take online classes and work part-time. Bailey also had to study the language and do workshops for acting, singing and dancing to prepare him for a life in front of the cameras. Ylona was paired up with Darren, a popular singer her age who has been touring the world. She joined him in his US/Canada tour and two hit instantly. They were favored by fans all over the world. She recorded songs with him and the two became close pals as they shared the same taste in music and both came from the same background. Years passed, Ylona would still visit the Philippines in between tours but her family is still based in Australia having bought the big house with stairs she had dreamed of buying for her entire family. Bailey became the next Daniel Padilla and had girls falling all over him. He didn't have a steady loveteam and preferred it, that way fans were kept guessing to which girl he likes the most. At eighteen years old, Bailey was at the height of his career and very much sought for leading man and had made several block-buster films and top-rated shows. He has lived a very comfortable life and built quite a fortune from his work. His family has moved to the country permanently. He had dated quite a number of beautiful girls and is linked to a million others, but he seemed far from settling down and being in a committed relationship was never an option, maybe that is why he has been named a player and a playboy by everyone. Bailey didn't mind and cared for what the world thinks of him. He would always say "I haven't met the right girl yet" in all of his interviews, but the truth is he already did. He did five years ago.

5 years ago..

"Hey Bai! Did you hear the news? I would be joining Darren on his tour!!!!! I am so happy, he is such a great singer and It'd be so great for my career!" Ylona told him. "I think he is really cute, I hope he's nice and we'd get along."

Bailey faked laugh, "Don't be such a fangirl or you'll creep him out, and I'm happy for you." Deep inside he is going to miss his friend but who is he to stop her from reaching her dreams. "When do you leave?"

"Next week, we start rehearsals right away and I'd be staying in the States for the rest of the tour. Isn't that amazing?" Ylona kept blabbing on about Darren and the tour but he stopped listening when he heard her leaving next week. He still isn't used to not seeing her everyday and now she's moving to the other side of the world. It broke his heart but there was nothing much he could do but be happy for Ylona.

They would message each other at first and follow each other through social media but life happened and both became very busy and the occasional hellos and how are yous stopped. Bailey would still look at Ylona's instagram page and see how happy she looks in the pictures and also realized how close Darren and she have become. He heard that the two have been dating secretly and he was broken-hearted. He began dating girls around and didn't allow himself to fall in love and buried himself in his work.

Ylona would also look at Bailey's social media and found out from common friends how he has become quite the ladies man. She was hurt a little but told herself how lucky she is for not ending up becoming one of his girls and he would surely just break her heart. Darren has become a very dear friend and has told her he had feelings for her. They both decided that mixing work and pleasure is never a good idea so they would start dating after their latest tour and would spend their break back home in the Philippines.

Kismet (destiny or fate) a BaiLona fanfic ❤️❤️❤️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin