Top of the world

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The network made sure to cover up the mess that involved three of the hottest stars of their generation, but it didn't stop the word from coming out and once again they were in the middle of a controversy. Their management took advantage of the attention and announced their much awaited movie together which got everybody excited. They became an IT 'couple' or loveteam, aka the BaiLona, as the fans fondly call them.

Bailey addressed the issue between him and Darren without going into details, in respect to Ylona, he didn't say a bad word against his rival, but just told the media that they have already fixed whatever misunderstanding they had. Darren also stayed clear of the two to avoid any more negative issue that could affect his career.

They have agreed to make a movie that would only take about several weeks to shoot as long as Ylona could manage it in her schedule so she can finish recording her album as well. The storyline of the movie is perfect for them, a rom-com about two people who have known each other since forever and openly hated each others' guts due to an unfortunate first encounter, but because their best friends have decided to tie the knot and being the maid of honor and the best man, they have no choice but to help the couple plan the perfect wedding and work closely together. Will they be able to set aside their differences and make it work or fight like cats and dogs like they always do, or will fate play a trick on them and make them fall in love with each other no matter how much they hated one another?

The shoot demanded long hours and a lot of work from everyone involved in the film. The movie is directed by the brilliant movie maker, Direk Cathy Garcia-Molina and the cast of characters are also played by top notch actors. Bailey, being a box office king a few times, is kind of a master in this genre so he became Ylona's private tutor/guide in everything movie-related. Ylona went through acting workshops to prepare for the role even though she was a natural and really great at acting, she made sure she was ready. This movie is creating so much buzz and everyone is excited to work and come to set.

"Here is your daily caffeine fix, Bai!" She put down the Starbucks cup in front of her co-star who is busy reading the script. "Perfect timing! I was just about to ask Maria, his PA, to get me. You're seriously going to keep buying me coffee, huh? I should have asked for free dinners instead if I have known how generous you can be."

"Don't think you're getting them for free, sir. You still owe me lessons. I need help with my lines, the emotional scenes. I always nail the ones when I am being mean to you, don't I?"

"Yeah I know. Sometimes I feel like you're enjoying it too much when you're verbally abusing me. You're a natural...maldita." Bailey joked.

"No, I am so not mean in real life, or with anyone, just with you because sometimes you are so 'kulit' and you drive me crazy!"

"Ouch! Here I thought I was special to you. I guess I was wrong." He took a sip from the cup to hide his smile.

"Don't be such a drama queen. I know you're asking for it." Ylona said cheekily and smacked him gently on his arm. She really enjoys their cute banters.

"Giving me tough love, eh? You really know how I like it." They have always had this playful relationship which made shooting their scenes such a breeze. They were oozing with chemistry off screen and it didn't require much acting as it was all captured by the cameras. It's effortless to ask for cute 'kilig' moments because even when they were arguing in the scene, it still made everyone feel giddy. They were that good.

"I guess I need to pay for all the coffee you got me and teach you how it's done. It's not that hard to do drama if you just focus on something, be it an experience, idea or anything that would make you emotional. That'd help! Now look me in the eyes and say your lines." Bailey loved teasing Ylona, but he turned serious so he can coach her.

Ylona didn't even realize the tears as she delivered her lines perfectly and gave the right emotion required for the scene. The director was very pleased as they wrapped for the day's shoot, but Ylona was still feeling down and blue and it didn't go unnoticed by Bailey who wasted no time to cheer up his close friend.

"I have a surprise for you. I know it's late but it's all worth it, I swear. Trust me." Bailey took her to his special place.

They exit the city and drove up until they reached a rough road and pretty much just darkness and the woods.

"What in the world are we doing here? This is scary. Is this where you'll chop me off and dump my body?!" Ylona joked but she hates the dark and the rough terrain was uncomfortable.

"We're almost there. Just wait." Bailey spoke excitedly and stopped the car as they reached their destination. "Now close your eyes and don't peek." He guided her out and let her sit on the hood of the car. "You can open your eyes now."

Ylona could feel the cool breeze and as she opened her eyes, she was met by the city lights in the distance. The sky is dark except for the few twinkling stars and it only made the view from the city lights even better and brighter. They were at a hilltop overlooking the city which isn't known to most people. Bailey found this place when he was driving around one night and he always comes here to think or clear his head.

"Oh my God! This place is beautiful! There are no words to describe it." Ylona was speechless. She was lost in the spectacular view of the city they live in and pass by every night.

Bailey put his jacket around Ylona's shoulders to keep her warm and held her hand. "I wanted to show you my special place where I go whenever I feel lonely or stressed out. Our world is cruel and we are expected to just swallow it and shake it off, but sometimes it gets to me so this is where I dump all my worries and burdens away and shout it out to the world below. Why don't you try it?"

They got up and walked a few steps forward, closer to the edge of the cliff and Ylona let out a loud shout, at the top of her lungs, she shouted all her fears and worries to the wind. It felt great after, like a heavy object was lifted off her chest. She faced her friend Bailey and gave him a hug, she was about to kiss him on the cheek when he turned suddenly and their lips touched. It was like something sparked inside and it was magical. It felt just right like returning home after a long journey or finding water in the desert. Bailey kissed Ylona with passion wrapping her in his arms, he had been really patient and respectful but his feelings have not only grown and multiplied but also exploded as he expressed it in their kiss. Ylona responded with equal intensity and fervor. She knew her feelings were there for him but she had no idea how intense they were until they kissed. They pulled away slightly and rested his forehead against hers as their noses touched. He gazed lovingly into her eyes, hoping to let her know how he feels like the luckiest man at the top of the world with his girl. There were no need for words, they can talk later, but for now he leaned in for another sweet kiss as she smiled in consent. 

Kismet (destiny or fate) a BaiLona fanfic ❤️❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now