A little jealousy

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"Where are you? The show is about to start in five minutes!" Ylona screamed at Bailey on the phone. She had been calling him nonstop in the last hour. It's the premiere night of the much-awaited film of the year and the crowd is getting bigger by the minute. The fans have waited patiently for hours just to see some of their favorite celebrities who are also attending the screening, and most especially the two leading stars. Ylona was already at the venue; excited and anxious, she arrived more than an hour early to prep and make sure everything is ready before it's show time, but her partner was running late and stuck in traffic. She had reminded him beforehand to leave early in order to avoid rush hour, but it seemed like he didn't listen to her. How she just hates being late and he promised her he'll be early so they can plan and review how to answer during the interviews, especially about the status of their relationship.

"Miss Ylona, Bailey just got here. He is being prepped now. Shall we start in ten?" The staff informed her. 

She was immediately attended to by her make up team, and waited to be escorted out by her leading man. Then Bailey came with his cheeky smile and he was dressed to kill as always. "I'm sorry! I know I suck at the moment but we gotta go, and you look gorgeous by the way, way too gorgeous!!!" He kissed her cheek and looked so proud at his beautiful and talented girlfriend. He still can't believe to have her as his girl sometimes, and thanked God for his good fortune. He held her waist as they headed out to the red carpet. The crowd was going wild and crazy screaming and chanting their names at the top of their lungs. The camera flashes wouldn't stop as everybody took pictures and videos of their idols who looked perfect next to each other. They greeted their fans and thanked everybody who came to the premiere of their movie, "I Love My Enemy" and went inside the cinema to watch the film. 

Ylona was feeling anxious and agitated as the film rolled. She was scared that she might have failed her fans and everyone who's expecting a lot from her. Bailey felt how tensed she was, so he grabbed her hand and squeezed it tight, and noticed how cold and clammy it was, he wiped her hands on his jeans and rubbed them. He whispered in her ear, "You are doing great. Look at the audience. They're clearly loving it." Ylona relaxed against him as she saw how everybody reacted to their scenes, laughed during the funny ones and cried along during the heavy scenes. They held hands until the film finished to the loud applause of the audience. The film received high acclaim especially the performances of the two lead stars. They both waved at their fans and felt really grateful for their unending support and love. Ylona was wearing high heels and held on to Bailey's arm. Being the perfect gentleman, he assisted her as they went up for the interview and meet and greet with the media people and fans. Everyone wanted to talk to them together and individually. Ylona was still being interviewed so Bailey approached his celebrity friends to thank them for coming. He saw Zonia and greeted her. "Glad you could make it. Thought you were supposed to leave for the States." They were chatting up casually when a few photographers wanted to take some pictures of the two together so they obliged. "There, you really look good together. Why don't you do a project together? I am sure we'll love it. You have chemistry too, didn't you guys date briefly?" One of the reporters asked and to which Ylona overheard.

"No, we didn't! We were paired up once for a show and got close, and we stayed friends to this day." Zonia explained.

"I can still remember you went out a few times so maybe it just didn't work out because Bailey was linked to several other ladies? Am I right?" This reporter insisted.

"No, we're just close friends and I'm thankful she was able to come and support us." Bailey clarified and grew a bit annoyed with the personal questions.

Ylona wondered if her bestfriend and Bailey did go out in the past. They didn't tell her, but it's a big possiblity. They are both attractive and had been paired up a few times in the past. She could tell how close and comfortable they are with each other. She was still thinking about it when the two came up to her.

"Ylonskie, I love your movie! You did great! So proud of you! Congrats!" Zonia hugged her tightly and praised her acting.

"Hey! How about me? I was also in the movie and I nailed my part. I think that ending part was best actor award worthy. Am I right?" Bailey was waiting for a high five which Zonia just intentionally ignored and the two began arguing.  Ylona loves her bestfriend but the the thought of the two dating in the past was still bugging her. She couldn't help the little jealousy she felt of the the two closest people in her life.

"We're heading to the thanksgiving party to celebrate. You have to join us." Bailey insisted on inviting Zonia.

"I'll never say no to free food and drinks." She joked.

"Did you bring a car? Come ride with us." And the three headed to the party. Ylona tried to brush the feeling aside and cheered up so she can enjoy their big night, she deserves it after working so hard.

At the party, they were all having a great time socializing with other celebrities, cast members and staff/crew behind the camera. Bailey was enjoying himself too much and after dancing for too long, Ylona sat down to rest. She talked with her co-stars about the movie and congatulated each other for a job well done when she heard people cheering on the dancefloor. There was a dance off between Bailey and Zonia, both are awkward dancers but they make up for it with their charm and cuteness. They were both game and battled each other at the delight of the people. Ylona cheered on with everyone but felt weird about watching the two dancing together provocatively even for fun.

She left the room to get some air and went to the adjoining balcony.

"I saw you leave the room. Are you okay? You have been down all night. What's the matter?" Zonia joined her. She could feel something was bothering her bestfriend.

"I'm fine. I just wanted some fresh air. You can go back inside now, I don't want you to miss out on the fun." Ylona said sarcastically.

"Do you have a problem with me? Tell me what's wrong." Zonia was confused now.

"I didn't know you two went out. Why didn't you tell me?" Ylona freaked.

"What do you mean? Who did I go out with?"

"Geez! You and Bailey! Why keep it a secret? I thought we were supposed to tell each other everything.  You knew about our history and now.." Ylona was getting emotional and stopped herself before she would create a scene. 

Zonia finally understood where she was coming from. Her friend was jealous of her and Bailey. She must have heard the interview.

"Listen to me, Ylona! I repeat there was no Bailey and me. We have always been friends. Yah maybe there was a time ages ago when we considered dating but we both realized we're better off as friends. Why are you so affected by this? Are you saying you like him? Don't lie to me, I can read you so easily." Zonia asked her.

"I don't just like him, I think I am in love with him." Ylona finally confessed.

"Oh my God! What happened? Are you guys finally together???" Zonia was freaking out about this revelation.

"Yeah! About a couple of weeks ago. How can I resist that silly one? Look at him! He's just the best. Please don't tell anyone. I haven't even told him about my feelings yet. I'm too scared." 

Zonia promised to keep her secret. "Can't you see how he looks at you? You must be blind or numb to not feel it. He's clearly in love with you!" Zonia was so happy to hear about her two friends finally getting together. 

Ylona could only hope for the best. She still hasn't talked to Bailey about their relationship, and even though he makes her feel special and loved, it is still best to know how he really feels for her. Now that their movie is over, they would have that talk and set things straight once and for all.

Kismet (destiny or fate) a BaiLona fanfic ❤️❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now