Sharing the sunrise with you

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Ylona woke up to the sound of her alarm. She pressed it off and got up, made her way to the toilet to freshen up first and put on a robe, then she headed out to the balcony eagerly waiting to see the sunrise.

Bailey couldn't remember how he got into bed a few hours ago, he is nursing a headache and got up to get some painkillers in the kitchen. He had way too much to drink and regretted how embarrassing he must have looked to his friends and Ylona. Now that he's up, he won't be able to go back to sleep easily so he made himself coffee when he saw somebody sitting in the balcony. Even in the dark, he knew it was her right away and he heard her saying about watching the sunrise today. He took another mug and made her coffee, then he went out to join her.

"Hey! Why are you sitting in the dark? Here I brought you coffee, hope it tastes okay. You like it white with 1 sugar, right?" Bailey sat beside her in the sofa. 

"Good morning! Didn't think you would be up early today, I am sure you have a hangover. Why don't you go back to bed?" She thanked him for the coffee and felt happy he still remembers how she likes her coffee.

"Yeah I just took some pills, I will be okay in a minute. Glad to keep you company. It's freezing out here and you must be cold, wait I'll get us a blanket." He returned shortly with a woolen blanket he keeps in the living room and spread it open, covering her legs entirely. 

"Scoot closer. We'll share your blanket, there is enough room for three people in here. Thanks for the coffee and blanket. You really are the perfect host. I am impressed."

Bailey was feeling warm from the coffee and the blanket they are sharing and much more so of the girl sitting next to him. He feels drawn to her like a moth to a light. He is aware of her every breath and move as she settled in next to him leaning comfortably against him. He can get used to this. It all felt domestic and he let out a contented sigh.

Ylona was feeling warm inside and confused about what is happening with them.  She likes being around him and enjoys his company, that's obvious, but it also awakened feelings long gone and forgotten. She told herself that they are just hanging out as friends and there is nothing wrong with that. She just missed her friend and they're making up for lost time. 

They sat together in comfortable silence, sipping their hot coffee, when light broke out in the horizon and then appeared orange and pink in the sky. They were both in awe, mesmerized by the beauty of it all. Ylona took it all in entranced by the colors and just amazed by the first sunset she has seen in a long time. Bailey had long stopped looking at the sunrise and was instead enjoying the more beautiful view next to him. He felt a tug at his heartstrings, and knew that his feelings have always been there all these years. He was happy to be sharing this moment with her and glad to have managed to make her happy in this small way. Ylona turned to him with tears in her eyes, happy tears she calls them and gave him a hug. 

"This was more than I imagined it to be. Thanks for making it happen. Sunrise and sunsets give me so many feels." She rested her head on his shoulder and finished her coffee as they looked on the magnificent view in front of them.

Bailey put his arm around her and swelled with happiness at the new closeness they share. He kissed the top of her head and drank his coffee as well. "I can definitely get used to this" he thought with a bright smile.

Kismet (destiny or fate) a BaiLona fanfic ❤️❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now