The Big Fight

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It's been almost a month but still the news hasn't died down yet. They're still pretty much the talk of tinsel town and people insist on believing what they hear from the media because not only are they the hottest stars in their own right, they also shared a history together in their younger  years which may have played a part in the rekindling of their said 'romance'. Both have declined interviews due to the advice of their management, but Bailey released a statement to the press denying any truth to the matter. He said both him and Ylona have been affected by all of this and asked for everyone to stop spreading the lies so that they can all move on with their lives. He wanted to reach out to Ylona so badly but he knew she was trying to fix things with Darren and he respects that. He still has feelings for her but he doesn't want to add her any more trouble. It was eating him up inside but he has to wait for the right time to tell her about everything and maybe start something wonderful with her. He could only hope. 

Ylona had stayed in most days. She seldom went out, only if it was absolutely necessary. She even left for Australia the first week the news broke and contemplated on staying there if not for her work commitments and her family encouraged her to face her problems head on and not avoid them. She eventually returned to the Philippines a few days ago and was surprised to hear the same stories about them but this time they're saying that Bailey and her have been in a long distance relationship all this time. The lengths these people would go just to keep their stories going. She was invited tonight at a friend's birthday bash. Zonia would kill her if she misses it. She promised her she'd come and stay only for a short while. Darren is away on business trip and would be back tomorrow. They still haven't seen eye to eye on most things, but she is too tired to fight anymore and just wants some peace. She knows their relationship isn't ideal and she's certainly unhappy but she also feels guilty for causing them problems and she doesn't want for their friendship to end.

Ylona got ready for the party and feels excited to be spending the evening with her friends. She took her time to choose something fabulous to wear and did her make up and hair beautifully. When she was satisfied with her look, she left for the party. When she reached the hotel, she was met by Zonia and they went inside together. The two friends were immediately absorbed in deep conversation and failed to notice as Bailey entered the ballroom on his own.

Bailey was having second thoughts about going tonight but he has already said yes to the celebrant when they met the other day. He would just show up and then leave right after. He doesn't enjoy these gatherings anymore and would rather just crash after a long day at work. He was on his way out when he saw her on a table with Zonia. It was maybe her amazing laugh that he  might have heard  amidst the noise around him, or the way her eyes sparkled as she talked animatedly. She was dressed up in an immaculate white short dress which clinged to her slim figure and showed off her long beautiful legs. He didn't know when she got back from Australia but he was beyond happy to see her now. He saw the way the other men were looking at her and can't help but feel jealous and protective of her. He hurriedly approached their table.

"Good evening ladies! You both look lovely tonight." looking straight into Ylona, he greeted them. It was the first time they've seen each other since the incident and she was happily surprised to bump into him tonight, she gave him a genuine smile and appreciated how handsome he looks in a tailored suit. Zonia thought it would be awkward for the two so she kept the talk flowing and initiated most of the conversations. The two made small talk and tried ignoring the elephant in the room until Ylona couldn't take it anymore and asked if they could talk privately to clear the air. Zonia joined a friend she met earlier and two were left alone.

"I just want to talk and check how you are doing. We haven't really talked about the whole thing. Sorry if this has to happen." Ylona started.

"You really don't have to worry about me. I have been immune to all the issues and controversies. It is you I worry about. Hope you are coping fine." Bailey assured her.

"I am okay now, I was stressed at first that's why I left to be with my family and now that I had time to think, you were right by laughing it off. It isn't worth crying for." She wanted to show him that she is as strong as him and not affected by it at all. 

Bailey wanted to ask about Darren but avoided the topic he might not like what she would say, so they talked about other things and were soon enjoying each other's company as the night progressed. Bailey was telling Ylona that there were offers of a movie/series to be played by them both as lead stars. He was told by his manager that they will be approached in the next few days now that she's back home. 

"Are you serious? I don't know if I can squeeze it in my sched. I can maybe do an MMK or a very short series. I am still due to record my new album next month." Ylona often wonders how she will fair in show business, she will always be a singer/performer/song writer first but she also wants to develop her acting skills as well. She did cameo and minor roles in the past but to star as lead actress is quite tempting. She promised him they'd consider the offer as long as her other commitments won't suffer.

They continued talking until most of the guests have left and the ones left were mostly drunk, so they decided to call it a night and headed outside. Ylona was the designated driver and just had a glass of wine, while Zonia was a little bit tipsy. They made fun of her while waiting for their cars when suddenly someone pushed Bailey. 

"What the hell is your problem man?" Bailey turned and saw Darren who threw a punch at him and hit him in the eye. He lost his balance and came right back at his opponent and punched him in the nose. The two continued attacking each other to the horror of the people around them. The security staff of the hotel separated the two quickly. It was fortunate that there were only a couple of witnesses present at the incident. Zonia decided to leave with Bailey as Ylona and Darren have a lot to sort out.

Ylona was furious and didn't speak a single word as she drove the car fast towards Darren's place. She hit the brakes as soon as they reached the building and faced her passenger for the first time. Darren's nose was bleeding but luckily not broken.  She saw more bruises on his cheeks and eye. 

"What the heck was that?! You can't just attack people because you're jealous! That was so uncalled for! I can't believe you. I thought we're moving forward." Ylona confronted him.

"I don't want you seeing that stupid guy. I am not comfortable with you two hanging out. He is such a player and I'm sure he's seducing you and you're letting him!" Darren was blinded by his jealousy.

"You have no right to tell me who to see or not to see. I am not doing anything wrong. I have tried to understand where you're coming from but we have been fighting about the same things over and over. I can't do this anymore. Darren, I care about you but you are overcome with jealousy and can't seem to trust me enough. This isn't working for me." Ylona was breaking up with him.

"Fine! Go with that moron if you're dying to be with him but don't go crying back to me when he breaks your heart." Darren yelled and slammed the door shut in her face.

Ylona drove home feeling really emotional and upset about losing Darren who had been her closest friend in the last five years. She just reached home when there was a knock on the door. She opened the door and saw Bailey still dressed in his suit which now has tears on the jacket.

"I need to talk to you, Lona." Bailey pleaded to her, hoping she would let him in. Ylona couldn't resist his puppy dog eyes and stepped back gesturing for him to come inside.

Kismet (destiny or fate) a BaiLona fanfic ❤️❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now