Tender lovin' care

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Ylona entered Bailey's condo using a spare key given to her when they first started dating. They made plans to spend some quality time together out of town because they were both off work and she was so excited to leave their busy lives behind and just chill out and relax for a day or two with her love. She had been calling Bailey but there was no answer or response from him and he ignored her gazillion texts over the last hour. They were supposed to leave at 6PM which was half an hour ago, but her ride was nowhere in sight. Because she was starting to get pissed at Bailey for ignoring her, she stormed into his place to find out what is wrong. She wondered where his house maid went, and why the whole place was unusually quiet. 

"Baby! Where are you?" Ylona called out. She was met by more silence. She was pretty sure he is home, his car was in the parking lot and the last text she got from him over two hours ago said he was just about to take a shower and that he'll see her soon.

Ylona entered Bailey's bedroom and it was pitch dark, she turned on the lights and saw a sleeping Bailey in bed. She was on beast mode now and was prepared to give her boyfriend a scolding. She couldn't believe he had forgotten about their plans. She approached the bed and was about to start yelling when she noticed something off. 

His whole body was covered with his comforter which he rarely does because he thinks it is too warm even when the ac is on full blast, he prefers sleeping topless with nothing but just a pair of boxers on. She can see that he is wearing his hoodie underneath the layers of sheets and his cheeks were really flushed. He was also somewhat curled up like he was really feeling cold, so she went closer and touched Bailey's face to wake him up, but his skin was too hot to touch and he was burning up. Ylona was alarmed and realized Bailey was sick. 

"Baby, please wake up!" She was now really worried. He still hasn't woken up even after she shook him hard. He was heavily sleeping but restlessly and seemed to be mumbling something inaudible. 

She immediately rushed to the bathroom and took one of his face towels and a small bowl and filled it up with running water, and then went back to Bailey. It doesn't take a genius to know that he has a fever and this is the best thing that she could think of that might help him. 

"Baby, you have a high fever. I need to wash your body with this cold towel to lower down your temp. If only you would wake up now, so I can do this quickly and easily." Ylona removed all the blankets that were covering him like a baby and made him lie on his back which seemed to be a very difficult job given how small she is but she managed to do it, and started unzipping his jacket and took it off. She proceeded to wash his face with the damp cloth and felt how hot he is to touch and was now facing a much bigger problem of how to undress his shirt and jeans so she can wipe him all over and cool him down. She struggled but succeeded on taking the shirt off thank God it was a stretchy material and then went on to wipe all over his chest. 

"Poor baby! I know it's cold but I gotta do this. I am sorry. I promise to be quick." Ylona was speaking to him in a gentle tone, comforting him as his body started shaking, resisting her effort in giving him a sponge bath. She continued wiping the expanse of his torso, touching his pecs, muscular arms and paying more attention in his underarms, which she believes would help to cool him down faster, and then put a fresh cotton shirt on him afterwards with a little help from her sick boyfriend.

"Bailey! You are very heavy and you are not helping by being difficult. If you can just wake up for a second, that would be great." Her inner maldita is surfacing as she wiped the sweat off her brows, this is too much work for her and her small frame is no match for her tall and hunky boyfriend who's passed out. She gathered up strength and worked on the bottom half of his body, unbuttoning his jeans and started pulling them down.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2016 ⏰

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