You and I

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The two have been seeing each other secretly and agreed on keeping it under wraps at the moment because they are still trying to figure out what is going on with them. They have not had the 'talk' yet, both too high and blissful of this new development in their relationship, but it's kinda challenging to behave on set and not be able to be stay away from each other especially Bailey who is very transparent with his feelings.

Bailey was extra sweet to his co-star, carrying her bag and holding out an umbrella as they walked towards their location. They were filming the wedding scene which was at a beautiful garden and they were both dressed for their parts. The characters were supposedly not in good terms and don't get along but the two were far from it. Bailey couldn't take his eyes off Ylona who was wearing a lovely short dress which fit her perfectly, highlighting her gorgeous  figure. He was using a fan to keep her cool and was clearly besotted by her. Ylona looked proudly at the man in front of her. He looked very impressive in his suit, really hot if she may add. She appreciates how sweet and loving he is towards her. She notices the beads of sweat forming on his brows so she got some tissues and wiped it dry. She knows how hot he may be in his clothes so she made them share the fan and waited for their scenes.

"We haven't gone out on a real date yet. That is so long overdue." Bailey whispered to her.

"I know, but how can we do it when we are stuck in taping and we can't even go anywhere at the moment anyways. Hey are you sick of my cooking already?" 

"Do you know how fatter I have become since we started dating? I have to work out in the gym twice as much to burn out all the calories I have gained." He complained.

"So is it my fault if you can't resist my delicious cooking? Actually, I do it purposely to keep all the girls away from you and have you to myself." She teased him.

"Really now? Would you still like me if I become as fat as Dumbo?"

"Yeah! You'd be so much nicer to cuddle with and way cuter too." She joked and pinched his cheeks. Bailey took her hands in his and kept holding them even when she was trying to pull them away.

"Bae, we can't!" Ylona was worried about their secret. People have been asking about them and she's not ready yet to tell anyone. She wants to enjoy the bubble they have created and it is way too soon to tell. They definitely are acting like lovers which didn't go unnoticed by their co-actors and the staff. They  have seen the closeness of the two and started asking them questions which they both denied. Only their PAs and families know that they have started seeing each other.

"Don't worry,  nobody's paying attention. Let's have dinner tonight at my house. Mom and dad want to see you." Bailey played with her fingers.

"Okay, I am not sure if we can make it in time. We might finish up late here." She squeezed his hand tight.

"Then we'll head straight for the dessert then." He said cheekily as they were called for their scenes.

As predicted, they finished late and the two were both exhausted. Ylona passed out in the car on the drive home to Bailey's house. To avoid talk, they mostly spend time together at Bailey's but they have decided to take things slow and not take their relationship to the next level yet. He respects her too much, just by being in her life is more than enough for him, so they just take each day at a time and enjoy each other's company. 

"You still up for some ice cream and hot chocolate?" He asked her once they got in. Ylona settled in the couch as Bailey got them a bowl filled with scoops of the frozen dessert and two cups of cocoa. They shared the food as they watched a film, snuggling in the couch. They just love times like this when they're together, alone and away from the prying eyes of the public. The film ended and Bailey saw that Ylona was sound asleep in his arms. He gently shook her but she refused to wake up so he took her effortlessly in his arms, carried her to the bedroom and lay her down gently on his bed. It was a relief that they both had showers on the set before they left because one scene involved swimming in the pool, so they were both ready for bed. He kissed his girl good night and slept beside her.

The following day, Ylona woke up warm and felt something heavy on her legs and chest. She turned to face her bedmate and saw a sleeping Bailey who was snoring softly and imprisoning her arms and legs in a tight embrace. He moved slightly at the sudden change of their position but didn't open his eyes and continued sleeping. Ylona stared at his features, memorizing every line, indention and part of his face. She traced the curve of his lips, how soft and kissable they feel, to the length of his perfect nose and couldn't resist the softness of his hair as she played with it. He looks like a baby when he's asleep, ever so innocent and cute. She felt something stir inside of her as she looked at him, like she would look forward to waking up every morning with this man beside her. She took several photos of the sleeping giant on her her phone and then got up when she couldn't go back to sleep. 

Bailey woke up to an empty bed. Disappointed that Ylona might have left early in the morning while he slept, he saw that her stuffs are still in the room so he looked for her and found her busy in the kitchen.

"Good morning gorgeous!" He greeted, sneaking behind her and hugged her from the back.

"Morning sleepy head! She kissed him on the lips and got him a plate full of English breakfast.

"Wow! What a treat! You really know the way to a man's heart, baby. Now come have breakfast with me." Ylona joined him with a smaller version of the meal and they ate their meal together.

"We have a bit of free time in the morning before our taping later. Do you want to do something or go somewhere?" Bailey asked her while they were having coffee in the garden. It was a beautiful day to be staying indoors, such a shame that they couldn't just go out freely and enjoy the sun like most people. 

"We can go to church, there's a small chapel I know where almost nobody goes and then have lunch with your family after." Ylona suggested. They agreed on that and got ready for the day.

Kismet (destiny or fate) a BaiLona fanfic ❤️❤️❤️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant