Baldness Uther's POV

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Hi guys this is Uthers POV

It not as funny I dont think but I thought this would be how Uther amy react considering he is the king and would be more angry then laugh about it

Please enjoy


Uther’s POV

I normally get woken up by a servant at a reasonable time but today no such luck I wake up early and I can’t get back to sleep.

I am the King and I should get as much sleep as possible so what the hell was wrong with me.

I pulled the covers of me and got out of bed sighing to myself as I did.

I walked over to the mirror to see if I had bags under my eyes.

I stared at myself still tired but I found myself staring at a bald head.

“You got to be joking me....oh what the heck” I shouted clearly not impressed.

I felt my head to make sure what I was seeing was true to find a bald head.

“I am bald again this is not happening” I found myself shouting loudly.

I rushed over to my wardrobe which I never normally do but this is emergency.

I began to chuck the clothes in the wardrobe one by one till I found that hat I had used before when I was bald.

What I didn’t understand was why I was bald again, what had happened this time for this to happen.

 Just as I placed the hat on my head Gaius walked into the room and I thought he was crazy.

He had a bald head too but was wearing no hat or trying to hide it.

“Sire I have a problem....oh no” said Gaius as his eyes landing on me.

“Yes Gaius I am bald too and I need an explanation now” I shouted.

“Sire your servant is sick too day.....oh should I go tell Arthur” asked Leon who just came into the room.

“Yes please” I said to him.

Leon left but Gaius seemed to want to pull him back but gave up doing it

“I am afraid that it is the Goblin as soon as I found myself like this I went down to the volts and found the box empty but don’t worry sire we captured it before it could do any more” said Gaius.

“Oh that Goblin if I ever find out who did that I will be punishing them” I said angrily.

“Of course sire we have no clue who did it though” said Gaius.

“I cannot believe this has happened to me twice now” I said annoyed.

I spotted Gaius grinning a little and I stared at him angrily.

“Sorry” Gaius said edging to leave.

“Go tell someone to go tell Arthur that we know the Goblin did it then” I said.

“Of course sire” said Gaius before he left.

If I had to be bald all day I think I may just throw anyone in the stocks to show if any one laughed they would be punished.


I know not as funny but ah well XD

Please tell me what you think guys

Merlin and Arthur one shots (For fun not historically correct or long that's the point)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora