"Do you think we can get past the Vampire Council?"

"Really I can go anywhere I want. But I don't have the ability to hurt or touch anyone. All I can do is possibly scare Adam. Anabelle will have no idea who I am. In fact if she knew who I was, she would probably become enraged."


"Adam and I fought. I left many scars on him, and even ripped his arm off. I just didn't have time to put holy water on it."

"What do you mean?" I asked. Why holy water? Did that really matter?

"In order to ensure that a vampire will not put their limbs back together, you have to sprinkle them with holy water. It fully kills a vampire and it's the only way to do so," Lucy explained to me and I nodded my head.

"So how do I get into the Vampire Council?"

"Say you are Anabelle's friend. They are going to love Anabelle, I bet they already offered her a place within the Council already. They would let any of her friends see her, plus she is the vampire that turned you. You have a bond with her that no one else will ever have, unless she turns more humans into vampires, which I doubt she will. She didn't want to turn you, she wanted you to have a normal life."

"She isn't my friend anymore. She's a monster," I growled.

"It seems the bond that you should have with her doesn't exist with you. It exists for her. We could use this to our advantage," Lucy mused and she smiled at me.

"That's it. You have to pretend that you are actually her friend. Let Adam think that you are trying to makeup for your past deeds. I guarantee that Adam has a mind block up, so he won't be able to hear your thoughts. Just guard your thoughts around Anabelle."

"I can do this, I was best friends with her. Why do I hate her so much now?"

"Maybe it is because of your close bond while you were humans. The transformation might have snapped it," Lucy pondered but shrugged her shoulders.

"I do miss my best friend. Rose and I were so close. When she went missing I blamed myself for what happened. I still do. If I hadn't made her go to that party, she would still be alive and not a vampire. Now she doesn't even remember me."

"It isn't her fault. I don't really want to hurt Anabelle. She is such a valuable asset, but I want revenge on Adam."

I nodded my head.

"Well, we need to get you a plane ticket to England." Lucy said and then her and I continued to discuss our plan.


*Adam's pov*

A loud shriek sounded in my room and my eyes snapped open and I jumped out of bed.

"Anabelle," I yelled. I ran out of our bedroom, and she was in the kitchen. She was clutching her throat.

"Baby, are you okay?" I asked her and walked over to her, but she hissed at me.

"It burns," she choked out.

I sighed. I knew her blood lust wasn't gone, but she had a better handle on it before. But now she seemed like she was spiraling out of control.

"Wait right here baby, don't worry, I'm going to take care of you," I told her and ran out of the room. I remember where Nathan's room from last time was and banged on his door.

"Open up Nathan," I yelled.

He came to the door and looked at me angrily.

"What in bloody hell do you want?" He growled at me.

"Anabelle is about to lose it. She needs blood and I don't have any blood bags to give her."

"Fucking blood lust. Alright hang on, I'm gonna go get one of the humans," Nathan said.

"No! Don't you have blood bags or something? She hates having to kill people for blood," I explained.

"We don't have blood bags. You know that isn't how the Council works, Adam."

"I know, but I can still hope. Alright please hurry, she's in a lot of pain," I begged him and Nathan nodded his head. He took off and I ran back to my room.

Anabelle was destroying the room when I walked in. She was looking for blood but there was absolutely no blood in this room.

"Baby come here," I cooed and walked over to her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and she thrashed against me.

I had to contain her or else it could go bad. But if she lost it, she could easily use her ability to control fire to harm me. But hopefully since I'm her mate, she won't use it against me.

She started to relax in my arms and I kissed her temple. The fire in her eyes was beginning to fade. Her bright red eyes are so horrifying. I had seen blood lust in many of the vampires that Lucy had turned, but they had never been like Anabelle's.

Anabelle loses herself when blood lust takes over. She reacts like no other vampire I have ever seen. It worries me because if Benjamin were to keep Anabelle from drinking blood, it would cause her to lose it and kill as many humans as she could.

Nathan finally came back into the room, and he brought a human girl with her. She looked very young, but also depressed. She looked like she didn't want to live anymore.

The scent of her blood hit me, and I could tell Anabelle smelled it as well. She began to struggle in my arms to get to the girl.

"Adam let her go. She needs this," Nathan said and then nodded to the girl. The girl walked forward, closer to Anabelle and me.

Anabelle struggled more now and I let her go. She didn't even hesitate. She lunged at the girl and bit deep into her throat. I sighed. She would regret this later, but there really was no other way. The Vampire Council only drank from the source. Very few vampires drink blood from bags. It's unnatural to a majority of the vampires that exist.

Nathan and I looked at each other. We exchanged glances and we both knew that if Anabelle didn't learn to control herself, it was going to be bad for all of us.

I wonder if Nathan knew about Benjamin's plans. Hell that's probably why Benjamin accepted him.

Anabelle finally finished drinking the girl's blood and she sat up. The bright red in her eyes had died and she was the same Anabelle that I love the most.

"Why can't I control this?" She cried out and put her head in her hands.

Nathan moved to take the girl that was laying on the floor lifeless. He took her out and I was left to deal with Anabelle.

"I don't want to have to keep doing this, I feel that something is totally taking over me," she complained and I came over to hold her.

"Baby, it's going to be okay. It will get better. I promise."

"But I feel like I can't even be a regular vampire. I mean what else could happen right now to ruin this day?" She asked and I knew something bad was going to happen. There always is something bad that happens.

I looked into Anabelle's eyes and she looked like she wasn't here.

"Baby? Are you okay?" I asked her and she didn't even respond. She wasn't paying attention.

She eventually snapped out of it and I looked at her confused. She didn't look very good.

"What's wrong?"

"Lucy," she gasped.

"Oh fucking hell." I growled I knew this wouldn't be good.

Hey guys, so I really try to not write author's notes at the end of the chapters, but I want to know what you guys think of this story. So if you enjoy it please comment or vote. Or if you don't want to do either of those message me on here and tell me what you think! Thank you so much to all of you who actually read this story it means the world to me.

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