Bacherlorlette Party

Start from the beginning

Lillian's eyes were closed as an employee was rubbing a mask on her face.

Nessa got up quietly and walked out of the room, answering the call.

"You're welcome." He immediately said cockily.

She rolled her eyes. "Whatever."

"I said you're welcome." He repeated.

"Yeah and I said whatever."

"What would you do without me." He teased, a smile on his lips.

"Don't flatter yourself, Hamilton." She leaned against the wall and touched her lips as she tried to fight smiling. "I'd be perfectly fine without you."

"Don't lie to yourself, Young."

She didn't reply as she shook her head, laughing lightly.

"Where are you?" He asked.

"I'm with the girls, it's the bachelorette party." She answered as she peeked through the door. They were still relaxing with their eyes shut, whispers leaving their lips as they talked about what had happened with Lara at the mall the other day.

"Sounds fabulous." He replied in a girly tone.

"Alright, as much as I love talking to you I got to get back to the girls." She told him sarcastically.

He automatically frowned, knowing that she had to go. "Okay."

She cocked an eyebrow. "Okay?"

"Omg, Young. Stop flirting with me."

"This isn't Fault in Our Stars." She laughed lightly, recognizing the words he said were from a book she loved.

"Maybe okay will be our forever."

"Bye Hamilton!" She hung up and bite down on her bottom lip, trying her very best to stop her smile from getting any bigger. She probably looked ridiculous.

As she walked back in the girls were already staring at her with a knowing look. She ignored it and walked back to her spot.

"Who was that?" Lara wiggled her eyebrows.

"Who else would it be?" Rose added, giggling.

Lillian took the cucumber off her eyes. "Can I eat these?" She asked an employee who was now placing the mask on Tiana. Before she could answer Lillian placed both cucumbers into her mouth, she sat up and adjusted her robe.

"Girls! Nessa is sick and tired of your teasing. You can obviously tell by her blushing cheeks and cheeky grin, she's so mad right now." Lillian raised her voice in a joking tone, she reached over and pinched Nessa's cheek. "So cute when you're in love."

Nessa swatted her hand away and grimaced. "I hate you all."

"Ouch, Nes." Tiana faked a pout as she placed her hand on her heart.

"I've never seen you so happy." Lara propped her elbow onto the arm rest beside her as she rested her chin onto her palm.

Nessa groaned, running her hand down her face. "Shut up."

Lillian outstretched her arms towards Nessa and began waving her hands. "Your negative energy is ruining my relaxation time." She continued to move her hands as if she was pushing the negativity away from her. "This is supposed to be a day filled with joy."

Suddenly her phone began to ring and her mood changed as she looked at her phone, an annoyed face plastered on her face as she answered the phone. "Honey, I'm at the spa right now. Let me relax." She spat as her eyes were closed, trying to calm herself down. "Oh, aw. Thanks honey. I love you too." And with that she hung up.

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