Chapter Three

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Oh how I love school (note the sarcasm). I was currently at school waiting for Monika at our usual meeting spot. Monika and I had been best friend ever since forever and when I got my venue job and she at that time was in desperate need for a job so I recommended her to my boss and soon she got the job which is how we work together. Monika was more the outgoing type that liked to party whereas I was more quiet but sarcastic as hell.

"Seriously fuck school" Monika sarcastically said approaching me looking grouchy.

"My thoughts exact" I replied. With that said the bell rang and we entered school. My first period was maths and unfortunately Monika and I were in different classes. We said our goodbyes and she told me to meet her at break as we parted ways. Once I got in I took my stuff out. A random thought popped into my head reminding me that Jai was in my class. His presence usually never affected me but after the deal I was curious to whether he kept his side secret. The teacher had come in and told us to complete the questions in our books and of course Jai strolls in late.

"Brooks take a seat" the teacher ordered. He then walked over to his seat which I also forgot was right near to me, great.

"Hey" he quietly said taking his stuff out.

"Hi" I replied.

"You free today after school for practise?" he asked.

"Yeah sure. Where?" I questioned back.

"I'll text you my address and we can work it out from there" I nodded in reply.

What he doesn't know is I already have a place where I always practise because at home there are too many distractions. The place is a abandoned tiny centre so the quietness of the place is perfect. The reason I don't want to take him there yet is because that place is like a secret getaway along with being my personal dance studio and that I don't want someone like him invading there as he would probably bring his whole squad to trash the place...


"Woah he's serious about this" Monika said as I told her about Jai asking me to come over for practice. She already knew about our deal as I told her as soon as Jai left that night.

"Yup he is" I spoke.

"I can drop you on the way home" Monika offered.

"No its okay I drove henry to school" I replied. Henry is the most important man in my life aka my motorbike.

"Isn't it gonna be awkward?" she questioned as we walked to the car park.

"Very. Why does the world hate me?" I said groaning, The thought of having to spend time with a stuck up guy like him annoyed me.

"All I have to say is good luck and wear protection" Monika said laughing to where I lightly hit her arm.

"I'll text you later" I said as I put my helmet on.

"Bye bitch" she called as she got into her car.

I waved bye as I drove away on my bike. I had already planned out the route there and his house was luckily very near so I got there super quick. I took off my helmet and parked henry in front of a cute house that matched the address. Here we go.

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