Chapter Two

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The place was trashed as expected. From the help of the other cleaners, we had cleared the mess away pretty quickly and now all that was left to do was mop the main hall. Monika and I were the only ones left in the main hall, the others were cleaning different parts of the building. As usual the music was blasting through the speakers for our personal entertainment and as I was comfortable with Monika I was freely dancing around. I was currently prancing around with my mop as if it were a human making Monika laugh.

"I have to say I'm glad you weren't a ballet dancer, I can't stand classical" Monika spoke.

"True" I laughed. My style in dancing was definitely hip-hop/street dance so I always played loud bass music which complimented Monika's love for R&B music.

"Lemme go get some more soak" She said walking out the room. Knowing she may be long I quickly went over to the music player and played "My Way - Fetty Wap". Once it came on I dropped my mop and went in the middle of the room. I had a routine prepared for this that I was dying to rehearse without distraction. The song began and I started straight away, not to brag but this is probably the best routine I've taught myself. My hips went in perfect timing with the song along with my feet movement. I had only made up a routine for half of the song so I had to free styled the rest.

Once the song was over, I smiled to myself and turned around.

"WHAT THE FUCK" I screamed as I saw the person I least expected to see.

"Shit calm down. That was amazing!" Jai flippin Brooks said.

"H-how long were you standing there?" I asked sternly.

"Well I got here when you started. I never knew you could dance like that" I was surprised that he actually recognised me from school because we obviously have never talked to each other.

"Why are you even here?" I abruptly said.

"I left my phone here so I came to get it from reception. I was about to walk out when I heard loud music so I followed the music and saw you. Why are you so worked up?"

"Look you can't tell anyone about this okay. NO ONE. It's something I like to keep quiet" I said walking up to him.

"Why the fuck would you wanna hide a talent like tha-?" I cut him off.

"Just don't tell anyone please" I looked him in the eyes.

"I won't, your secret is safe with me," I sighed in relief from his words, "But you have to teach me" He proudly said.

"What! I'm not giving you lessons!" I replied in shock.

"Oh yeah you are, unless you want your secret to be out" He threatened.

"Fuck sake. FINE. Why do you even want lessons?" I asked. I became annoyed with myself for being so careless but right now I'd do anything for him to keep his mouth shut.

"If you saw me earlier, I can dance the basics but I need to become more advance you know? Plus dancing attracts the ladies" he smirked.

"You already attract them! It's not like dancing would make a difference" I stated.

"How would you know I attract them?" He smirked, "Look I gotta get going but give me your number and I'll text you where to meet for practise."

He handed me his phone and I put my number. Once we exchanged numbers, he said bye and walked out. How did I get in this mess?

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