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at five in the morning, luke asks himself why he thought it was a good idea to get a job that required waking up at this time. he couldn't think of anything worse than leaving his warm bed right now, but just like every other morning, he does.

walking into the empty classroom was a normal routine for him in the morning as the sun starts to peak out. with his coffee in one hand, and a stack of papers in the other, his hands fumble around with his keys to find the correct one and let's out a dramatic sigh of relief once he gets the door open.

luke lets his body drop down into his chair, tossing the papers on the desk in front of him and takes a drink of his coffee which was now partially cold since he somehow misplaced his good cup. he hates mornings.

it was a long and exhausting day for the twenty-seven year old. he lost count of how many times he looked at the clock. each day felt like a continuous cycle of the same schedule, which didn't bother luke, but with that came minutes feeling like hours when he was at work.

the last class of the day came around; everyone made their way into the classroom and to their seats. luke waited for everyone to get situated before silencing the class and speaking

"all everyone has to do today is pair up and read a short story. there will be a quiz on it tomorrow, so I would hope you use your time wisely."

as expected, everyone scattered around the room with the person they wanted to pair up with. luke let out a long breath, relived that the day was almost over and he was able to go back to his flat and relax.

every once in awhile, luke would scan the room to make sure everyone looked like they were doing okay. he noticed michael was working by himself, which was one of the main reasons he kept checking on the students, only so he could use it as an excuse to check of michael. luke decided it was a good time to take a lap around the room and check on everyone. he saved michael for last.

"doing okay back here?" luke questions in a soft voice, trying not to startle the boy.

michael abruptly looks up from his story, his eyes meeting with his teachers as he stood above him. his shoulders shrugged, "i guess you can say that."

"that doesn't sound very assuring," without asking, luke took it to himself to take a seat next to the younger boy.

michael, once again, shrugs, "i've never been the greatest at reading. i guess i'm just not the biggest fan."

luke leaned in just a tad to see how far along michael got in the story. he was close enough to where michael could smell the hint of cologne his teacher was wearing, "is there any way i could help?"

"not exactly," michael answered before he bit down a bit harshly on his bottom lip as he stares down at his paper, trying to avoid eye contact with the older man.

"micheal, if you have trouble reading, you can let me know and i will be able to help you," luke explains.

"i'm fine, really. i'm just a bit slow at it, but i don't need help," the seventeen year old assured.

luke waited around for a moment, waiting to see if michael would for some reason start a different conversation, or even admit that he might need a little help, but he says nothing. and luke says nothing, so the blonde only nodded. he left the seat he was in and walked back over to his desk.

for the rest of the time that remained in class, luke couldn't tear his eyes away from michael, and that's when he realized, feelings really do suck.

+ + +

some things in this story are changing if anyone is wondering why i'm reposting the chapters.. sorry for any inconvenience!!


no one has to know || mukeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant