Chapter 3

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Monica pov

Waking up quite refreshed, I felt on the desk feeling for my phone. After grabbing and looking at my phone, I saw that I had three missed called from Janine and at least twenty texts from her. I wondered what could be so serious. She had seemed so thrilled about her date last night. Before I let myself think of the worst possible case, I'll just send her a text to let her know that I'm here.

Hey Jan, made it to Pittsburgh in one piece! We have 3 shows today. Hope your doing alright, love you :*

While waiting for her to text back I went to the bathroom with my toiletry bag to find out that everything I needed was already there. Geez it was going to take me a while to get used to all of this. I set my phone down on the counter of the sink and let it play music. Ashley was knocked on the door and I turned my music down.

"I'm heading downstairs for breakfast, if you need me just call my phone." She said.

"Okay! I'm about to hop in the shower. Would you mind getting me a few blueberry muffins?"

"Sure I'll be back in thirty minutes."

"Okay, thank you so much Ash!"

After hearing the door close shut I jumped in the shower. There were so many options for body wash. Cotton candy, cocoa butter, pomegranate blast, honey suckle, and many others. I decided to go with cocoa butter since it would compliment my cocoa butter lotion. When I got out the shower I straightened my hair, applied a little mascara and eye liner, and brushed my teeth. My phone then lit up with a text from Janine.

I'm so happy for you! I got some really bad news last night, could you please call me?

I wasted no time, I hurriedly called her as I made my way to the bed so I could sit down to prep myself for the bad news. To my surprise, Janine picked up on the first ring. Though the only thing I could hear was her sobbing through the phone.

"Jan what's wrong, your scaring me!" I said.

"B.. B.. Bryan has enlisted into the army and he's leaving tonight." She answered sounding shaken up.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry Janine, why didn't he let you know sooner?"

"He said he didn't want me to worry about him and that he was going to promise me that he'd make it back. He's going to the army you can't promise shit like that!"

I started to cry though trying to keep my composure for Janine. I didn't want her to know that it hurt me to hear her torn up like this. You could clearly hear the pain in her voice like she was on the verge of giving up.

"Was this planned? Why is he doing this all of a sudden?" I said frustrated, but not at Janine but at Bryan. He knew he was her ace and now he was leaving her to fend for herself.

"His job let him go and he was going to get evicted from his apartment soon, he said this was the only way. He had been struggling all this times to make ends meet and never let me in on this once. I could've helped him pay his bills even if he would've pleaded me not to. He only wanted us to go out last night so he could tell me this."

"I'm so so sorry. I'm at a total loss for words right now. I can only imagine what your going through, what your even thinking. If you need anything you let me know, alright?"

"Yeah, I have to go these bills aren't going to pay themselves." Though she said this jokingly the pain was still there.

"Bye Jan, have a good day and you better text me when you get home from work!"

Without a reply Janine hung up, making me feel alone. She was the one going through the hard time and yet I felt like I was the one who just took a blow to the face. It made me feel selfish to think like that but I couldn't control it.

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